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Информационно-управляющие системы  / №1 2017

OPTIMIZATION OF ERROR CONCEALMENT BASED ON ANALYSIS OF FADING TYPES Part 1: Statistical Description of the Wireless Video Channel, Models of BER Determination and Error Concealment of Video Signals (160,00 руб.)

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Первый авторHadar Ofer
АвторыBronfman Irina , Blaunstein Nathan
АннотацияЦель исследования: представить наиболее эффективный метод расчетов параметров канала с затуханием и разработать методы достижения лучшего и более эффективного выполнения замещения ошибок, что повысит качество видео после прохождения через канал с затуханием. Методы: исследованы влияние затухания на канал связи при помощи изучения распределений Гаусса, Рейли и Райса, а также существующие методы прогнозирования и замещения ошибок и их влияние на качество видео после выхода из канала с затуханием.
Hadar, O. OPTIMIZATION OF ERROR CONCEALMENT BASED ON ANALYSIS OF FADING TYPES Part 1: Statistical Description of the Wireless Video Channel, Models of BER Determination and Error Concealment of Video Signals / O. Hadar, I. Bronfman, N. Blaunstein // Информационно-управляющие системы .— 2017 .— №1 .— doi: 10.15217/issn1684-8853.2017.1.72 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585659 (дата обращения: 16.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Initially, the impact of three types of fading — Gaussian, Rayleigh and Ricean — in the communication channel is investigated. <...> Typically, studies use the Rayleigh distribution for the description of the worst situation in the channel and the Gaussian distribution for the description of the best (ideal) situation in the channel. <...> In this work, we propose using the modification of the Ricean distribution for the description of all situations in the channel. <...> The work demonstrates that the Ricean distribution is much broader than the Gaussian and the Rayleigh types, and incorporates the latter distributions. <...> Therefore, in the practical section of this paper, the tests and the effects of fast fading are performed using the Ricean distribution. 72 ИНФОРМАЦИОННОУПРАВЛЯЮЩИЕ СИСТЕМЫ In addition, Symmetrical CALIC, which constitutes an optimization of one of the existing methods of EC named CALIC (Context-based, Adaptive, Lossless Image Codec) [1], has been introduced. <...> A comparative analysis versus the original CALIC and versus the other methods is performed, and its outcome determines that the proposed optimization gives better results than all the methods used for comparison. <...> Additionally, a new method of EC, called Balanced Percentage Calculation is proposed. <...> The comparative analysis shows that in terms of average signal estimations, this method performs twice as well as the Symmetrical CALIC, and much better than other methods used for comparison. <...> There are many works on processing and transmitting video over wireless communication channels. <...> For example, [2] proposes an adaptive hybrid digital-analog video transmission scheme for robust video streaming in mobile networks with realistic fading channels. <...> This impact depends on error resilience of the data format, EC mechanism used and characteristics of the bit error pattern. <...> Errors that require interactive feedback on dynamic channel conditions are discussed. [5] presents a rate-optimization procedure for the transmission of scalable video sequences of the H.264/AVC standard over wireless channels. <...> Currently existing studies present neither a wireless channel with Ricean fading nor the influence of this type of fading on the appearance of errors in the video file, whereas our study addresses this issue. <...> For instance, [6] presents an EC system for overcoming visible distortions in video sequences which are transmitted over a losses prone communication network. <...> This system provides an EC solution from the point of receiving the transmitted sequence by the decoder without human interference. [7 <...>