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Первый авторNevirko
АннотацияThe article presents the analysis of concepts of narcoterrorism and the author’s understanding of this phenomenon. It describes the state of the drug situation in the world and in the Russian Federation. The author examines factors that undermine the national security system and justifies the need of cooperation between the law enforcement bodies of Russia and the competent authorities of foreign states to counter illicit drug trafficking. The article also formulates the priorities for combating the threat of drugs and narcoterrorism in the Russian society
УДК351 746.1
Nevirko, DmitryD. Narcoterrorism as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Society / DmitryD. Nevirko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 49-58 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585019 (дата обращения: 14.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2017 10) 195-204 ~ ~ ~ УДК 351 746.1=111+343.575=111 Narcoterrorism as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Society Dmitry D. Nevirko* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 13.10.2016, received in revised form 27.11.2016, accepted 10.01.2017 The article presents the analysis of concepts of narcoterrorism and the author’s understanding of this phenomenon. <...> It describes the state of the drug situation in the world and in the Russian Federation. <...> The author examines factors that undermine the national security system and justifies the need of cooperation between the law enforcement bodies of Russia and the competent authorities of foreign states to counter illicit drug trafficking. <...> The article also formulates the priorities for combating the threat of drugs and narcoterrorism in the Russian society. <...> A concept of narcoterrorism was first formulated in 1983 by the Peruvian president Belaunde Terry to denote terrorist-like attacks against the drug enforcement police. <...> Impeding the administration of justice, drug criminals used terrorist methods to influence the country’s policy. <...> The phenomenon received public attention in 1985, when the Medellin cartel joined forces with a terrorist group and attacked the Supreme Court in Bogota (Colombia) to prevent the extradition of several top cocaine lords to the United States. <...> One of them focuses on the drug gangs who use terrorist © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: ndd-krasnoyarsk@mail.ru – 195 – methods to protect their own drug activities, for example killing judges or journalists2 ; and the other focuses on the involvement of terrorist organizations in drug trafficking to finance their activities. <...> In order to cover both aspects, D. Davids introduced a bilateral definition: “On the one hand, [….] terrorism that aims to protect and support the activities of illegal drug traffickers; and on the other hand, terrorism of organizations that use the financial profits of narcotrafficking to support their political, religious or other goals”3 In 1992, the American Gregory Petrakis gave . the integral definition showing narcoterrorism as the three directions: Dmitry D. Nevirko. <...> Narcoterrorism as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Society 1) the use of the drug trade by radical and terrorist organizations to support their political beliefs; 2) support for the “drugs-for-guns” operation and other drug operations <...>