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Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Журнал научных статей  / №4 2015


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Первый авторPesotskaya
АвторыIvlieva E.N.
АннотацияIn article methodological value and a role of separate humanitarian and natural-science approaches in creation of the theoretical bases of modern anthropological science is analyzed. Their integration unites installations and the informative opportunities realized in application of substrat approach, universal at research of processes in the live. The instrumentation of approach defines prospect of the cognitive analysis, proceeding from ideas of genesis of phenomena. A basis of studying of the self-organizing systems and a human onthos investigate subject — the object cognitive paradigm and synergetic anthropology treating the person an open multilevel hierarchical system and placing him in a social and philosophical discourse. This article shows the level conception of knowledge as methodological integration of peculiar factors and common-, methascientific methods to this problem
УДК13: 572
Pesotskaya, E.N. SYNERGETIС ANTHROPOLOGY IN THE COMPLEX ANTHROPY CONCEPT: TRANSDISCIPLINARY ASPECT OF SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE / E.N. Pesotskaya, E.N. Ivlieva // Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Журнал научных статей .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 426-434 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/583337 (дата обращения: 08.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 13: 572 SYNERGETIС ANTHROPOLOGY IN THE COMPLEX ANTHROPY CONCEPT: TRANSDISCIPLINARY ASPECT OF SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE E.N. Pesotskaya, E.N. Ivlieva Mordovia State university N.P. Оgarev, Saransk, Russia, 430005 Annotation. <...> In article methodological value and a role of separate humanitarian and natural-science approaches in creation of the theoretical bases of modern anthropological science is analyzed. <...> Their integration unites installations and the informative opportunities realized in application of substrat approach, universal at research of processes in the live. <...> The instrumentation of approach defines prospect of the cognitive analysis, proceeding from ideas of genesis of phenomena. <...> A basis of studying of the self-organizing systems and a human onthos investigate subject — the object cognitive paradigm and synergetic anthropology treating the person an open multilevel hierarchical system and placing him in a social and philosophical discourse. <...> This article shows the level conception of knowledge as methodological integration of peculiar factors and common-, methascientific methods to this problem. <...> Keywords: philosophical bases of science, methodology, humanitarization, anthropocentrism, integrative anthropology, theoretical basis, substratum, substrate and synergetic approaches, systemacity, energy, multilevel hierarchical system, level conception of knowledge, synergetic anthropology, cognitive model. <...> Humanitarization of science as a return to integrity of knowledge in their essence represents an associativity of this knowledge to the person and his features which are in the center of a social and philosophical discourse now. <...> From characteristic tendencies of modern knowledge — humanitarization, anthropocentrism and the cibernetization allocated by Russian scientist Nalimov V.V. [16, p. 284, 268], and anthropocentricity becomes that very integrity which provides phenomenal space for the analysis of various natural processes and the social and public phenomena. <...> Integration of the philosophical bases into the maintenance of the humanities and the phenomena considered by them define worldview and methodological structure of a cognition and features of human formation mentality. <...> At the present stage of development the integrative anthropology as the “synthetic” science focused on studying of somatopsychic, organism, ~ 413 ~ Журнал включен в Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий ВАК при Министерстве образования и науки Российской Федерации по отраслям «Медицинские науки» и «Социологические науки» Since 1999 p-ISSN 2226-7425, e-ISSN 2412-9437 The Journal of scientific articles “Health and Education Millennium”, 2015. <...> It provides methodological synthesis of philosophical and scientific knowledge <...>