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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №7 2016


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Первый авторЭдилова Петимат Висхановна
АннотацияУказанные цели обусловили постановку и разрешение следующих задач выяснить социально-правовое и уголовно-процессуальное назначение уголовно-процессуального механизма досудебного соглашения о сотрудничестве; -сформулировать и обосновать предложения по обеспечению процессуальных гарантий лица, заключившего соглашения о сотрудничестве;
Эдилова, П.В. 2.2. ВОЗМЕЩЕНИЕ ВРЕДА ПОТЕРПЕВШЕМУ ОТ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЯ ПРИ ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИИ ДОСУДЕБНОГО СОГЛАШЕНИЯ О СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВЕ / П.В. Эдилова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2016 .— №7 .— С. 50-55 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576597 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

COMPENSATION TO THE VICTIM AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRE-TRIAL AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION Edilova Petimat Viskhanovna, postgraduate student. <...> Place of study: People’s Friendship University of Russia. <...> E-mail: epetima@mail.ru Annotation Objective: The purpose of a scientific article is that on the basis of comprehensive analysis of existing legislation to investigate a number of issues the institute pre-trial agreement on cooperation, to develop and justify proposals to improve it. <...> These goals led to the formulation and approval of the following tasks: To find out the socio-legal and criminal procedure appointment mechanism of pre-trial agreement on cooperation; Formulate and justify proposals for ensuring procedural safeguards who has concluded a cooperation agreement; Formulate and justify specific provisions for the improvement of criminal procedural law in the implementation of the institute pre-trial agreement on cooperation. <...> Method: The general scientific dialectical method of knowledge allows us to consider this phenomenon in its development, in all relationships with other procedural and criminal law institutions, as well as the general scientific methods: structural and functional, historical, formal – logical methods (analysis, synthesis, concretization, analogy, modeling), statistical, comparative, sociological (including questionnaires and interviews). <...> Conclusions: The problem of compensation for damage to the victim of the crime at the conclusion of the pre-trial agreement on cooperation. <...> The author believes that, Taking into account the principle of equality among citizens, the state must compensate for all categories of victims, including compensation for damage to the victim at the conclusion of the pre-trial agreement on cooperation. <...> Scope of the study: the analysis of chapter 40.1 of the RF Code of Criminal Procedure; formed and settle concrete proposals to improve the legislation on criminal procedure in the implementation of the institute pre-trial agreement on cooperation. <...> Practical value: the conclusions and recommendations contained in the article can be used in the further improvement of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; in research work on this issue. <...>