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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №12 2016


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Первый авторZueva
АннотацияThe article examines the nature of heterogeneous semiotic systems – creolized texts – and their main characteristics. The connection of two semiotic layers in creolized texts – verbal and non-verbal ones is under analysis. The role and interaction of these elements in the text structure is investigated through specific examples – corporate Internet sites of banking organizations. The paper focuses on investigating the correlation of verbal meanings with visually expressed ones and, as a result of the study, offers a classification of the main meanings transmitted by non-verbal elements on the examined sites. The paper aims to extend the knowledge about the pragmatics of creolized texts in business discourse
Zueva, ElenaE. INTERACTION OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND NON-VERBAL SEMIOTIC MEANS IN THE BUSINESS DISCOURSE OF CREOLIZED TEXTS ON FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS CORPORATE SITES / ElenaE. Zueva // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №12 .— С. 182-191 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576251 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2016 9) 3044-3053 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81’22 Interaction of the English Language and Non-Verbal Semiotic Means in the Business Discourse of Creolized Texts on Financial Organizations Corporate Sites Elena E. Zueva* Higher School of Economics National Research University 25/12 B. Pecherskaya Str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, Russia Received 12.01.2016, received in revised form 28.04.2016, accepted 29.10.2016 The article examines the nature of heterogeneous semiotic systems – creolized texts – and their main characteristics. <...> The connection of two semiotic layers in creolized texts – verbal and non-verbal ones is under analysis. <...> The role and interaction of these elements in the text structure is investigated through specific examples – corporate Internet sites of banking organizations. <...> The paper focuses on investigating the correlation of verbal meanings with visually expressed ones and, as a result of the study, offers a classification of the main meanings transmitted by non-verbal elements on the examined sites. <...> The paper aims to extend the knowledge about the pragmatics of creolized texts in business discourse. <...> Introduction In the last few years there has been an increased interest in applying non-verbal means of communication, so called “visual information” in all spheres of communication. <...> More and more scientists have started to admit the important role played by semiotic means of communication, in particular in mass media and business communication, where it is especially crucial to get the right message © Siberian Federal University. <...> As a result, many scholars have shifted their focus to the thorough investigation of semiotically complex “non-traditional” video-verbal compound polycode creolized text (E.E. Anisimova, V.M. Beresin, L.S. Bolshiyanova, N.S. Valgina, L.V. Golovina, A.U. Zenkova, O.L. Kamenskaya, V.M. Klyakanov, E.A. Lazareva, N.V. Meshishvilli, O.V. Poimanova, U.A. Sorokin, E.F. Tarasov, L. Bardin, B. Karlavaris, S.D. Sauerbier, etc.). <...> Interaction of the English Language and Non-Verbal Semiotic Means in the Business Discourse of… The issue of the comprehensive language study in its diverse connections, including the ones with other semiotic systems, is coming more and more in the foreground in the contemporary semiotic studies. <...> It is connected with linguistics turning to the problem of communication in general, which implies synthesis of the linguistic means <...>