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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №12 2016


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Первый авторAsim Muhammad
АннотацияAccording to Marxist theories, public administration must be a subject of single political party that has Marxist ideology. Russia after 1917 and China after 1949 idealized Marxism but they implemented Marxist ideologies in these countries according to the interpretations of their revolutionary leaders like Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. Although, Marxist implementations by Lenin, Stalin and other Russian leaders failed in Soviet Union and proved successful in China after socio-economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping. This was because administrative policies in Soviet Union were formulated and implemented from the elite ruling class what they felt better while same process is started in China from the opinion and suggestions given by the local officials to the elite class. This became reason of being success for Chinese socialist modernization than the Soviet disintegration. This study will highlight all the patterns of modernizations in China and Russia with special reference to define administrative philosophy in both the countries during 21st century. Indicators of modernization and its relation with Socialist China and Capitalist Russia will also be discussed in this study.
Asim, M. MARXIST THEORIES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ITS IMPACTS ON CHINESE AND RUSSIAN MODERNIZATION DURING 21CENTURY; A COMPARATIVE STUDY / M. Asim // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №12 .— С. 24-33 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576234 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2016 9) 2886-2895 ~ ~ ~ УДК 338.24:330.85 Marxist Theories of Public Administration and its Impacts on Chinese and Russian Modernization during 21st a Comparative Study Century; Muhammad Asim* Government Degree College Gogran Lodhran, Pakistan Received 09.10.2016, received in revised form 04.11.2016, accepted 30.11.2016 According to Marxist theories, public administration must be a subject of single political party that has Marxist ideology. <...> Russia after 1917 and China after 1949 idealized Marxism but they implemented Marxist ideologies in these countries according to the interpretations of their revolutionary leaders like Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. <...> Although, Marxist implementations by Lenin, Stalin and other Russian leaders failed in Soviet Union and proved successful in China after socio-economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping. <...> This was because administrative policies in Soviet Union were formulated and implemented from the elite ruling class what they felt better while same process is started in China from the opinion and suggestions given by the local officials to the elite class. <...> This became reason of being success for Chinese socialist modernization than the Soviet disintegration. <...> This study will highlight all the patterns of modernizations in China and Russia with special reference to define administrative philosophy in both the countries during 21st century. <...> Indicators of modernization and its relation with Socialist China and Capitalist Russia will also be discussed in this study. <...> Introduction Public administration has become fundamental part of any welfare state more famously after 1980s. <...> Government designs public policy with the help of different institutions for administrating public. <...> On the other hand, executives are also called public servants who recruit in any © Siberian Federal University. <...> All this is general structure of administration. <...> A socialist state believes on single political party system while a liberal democratic country has multi-party system. <...> Therefore, the participatory structure of administration differentiates among the concepts Muhammad Asim. <...> Marxist Theories of Public Administration and its Impacts on Chinese and Russian Modernization… of bureaucracy and public administration like China and Russia respectively. <...> During 21st century, China is considering as a successful socialist country due to its strong governing structure and economic development. <...> Such progress <...>