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Первый авторAletdinova
АннотацияThe technological revolution and development of information and communication technologies have resulted in post-industrial production in terms of network economy. This has led not only to the demand for new professions and the increasing importance of human capital, but also the emergence of nontraditional forms of employment such as freelance providing functional fl exibility and effi ciency at labour market. The author identifi es peculiar features of freelance activities (advantages and disadvantages), studies the websites of the most popular Russian freelance marketplaces. The author has analyzed supply and demand for them, gender differences. The study is supplemented by the social survey of freelancers, graduates of the Siberian Federal District universities (325 respondents), which allowed to create the “portrait” of the Russian freelancer. The author’s research has shown that the average level of labour potential is higher than 0.7 and is provided by the education and qualifi cation level, innovation entrepreneurship characteristics and high level networking
Aletdinova, AnnaA. PECULIARITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FREELANCE MARKET / AnnaA. Aletdinova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №11 .— С. 188-195 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576222 (дата обращения: 09.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2016 9) 2734-2741 ~ ~ ~ УДК 331.1 Peculiarities of the Russian Freelance Market Anna A. Aletdinova* Novosibirsk State Technical University 20 Karl Marks Str., Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia Received 10.06.2016, received in revised form 18.08.2016, accepted 27.10.2016 The technological revolution and development of information and communication technologies have resulted in post-industrial production in terms of network economy. <...> This has led not only to the demand for new professions and the increasing importance of human capital, but also the emergence of nontraditional forms of employment such as freelance providing functional fl exibility and effi ciency at labour market. <...> The author has analyzed supply and demand for them, gender differences. <...> The study is supplemented by the social survey of freelancers, graduates of the Siberian Federal District universities (325 respondents), which allowed to create the “portrait” of the Russian freelancer. <...> The author’s research has shown that the average level of labour potential is higher than 0.7 and is provided by the education and qualifi cation level, innovation entrepreneurship characteristics and high level networking. <...> Keywords: information and communication technologies, networking, labour market, freelance, freelancer, labour potential, Mincer modifi ed equation. <...> The emergence of new forms of precarious employment with free distribution of working time, which on the one hand can be considered as an advantage increasing the productivity, but on the other hand, as a drawback, a factor providing the precarization of work. <...> Within the framework of the Krasnoyarsk Forum 2016, the participants Economic © Siberian Federal University. <...> Globalization processes, awareness of the importance to preserve the environment, society, growth transition to the postindustrial of the middle class as a major social processes on the one hand, and development of information and communication Anna A. Aletdinova. <...> Peculiarities of the Russian Freelance Market Table 1. <...> The authors have determined new and changing professions and professions-retirees which are currently disappearing. <...> This is systems thinking, interdisciplinary communication, manufacturing, intelligence, project management, lean programming, customer multilingualism and multiculturalism, work with uncertainty, professii, people, work artistic 2014). not separately identify in skills Although conditions (Atlas the authors robotics, orientation, of novykh do the knowledge of information and communication technologies <...>