Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638309)
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Первый авторАllаm
АвторыDolgаnova N.V.
АннотацияThe major sources of chitin production are sea crustaceans – shrimps and crabs. In Egypt, the most economically justified source of chitin is green shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus, despite the fact that it can cause a significant pollution of the sea aquatorium. The aim of the study is to analyse the chemical composition of the crude shell of green shrimp and to develop the technology of producing chitin from this raw material. It has been found that the green shrimp shell contains 44.96% of alkali, 36.63% of protein, 4.85% of fat, 7.38% of carbohydrates and 6.18% of fiber. The moisture is 13.05%. While producing chitosan (chitin), the effect of the concentration of chlorohydric acid, temperature and time on the content of alkali is studied. It has been stated that while producing chitosan (chitin), the optimal concentration of HCl, at which the quantity of alkali is reduced by 91.98%, is 2M. This result is obtained at thermostating for 2 hours at the temperature 45°С. The best result of deproteinization is received when using 1M NaOH at the temperature 75°С for 4 hours.
Аllаm, А.Y. DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCTION OF CHITIN FROM CRUSTACEANS WASTES / А.Y. Аllаm, N.V. Dolgаnova // Вестник Астраханского государственного технического университета. Серия: Рыбное хозяйство .— 2016 .— №2 .— С. 136-144 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/504630 (дата обращения: 09.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

In Egypt, the most economically justified source of chitin is green shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus, despite the fact that it can cause a significant pollution of the sea aquatorium. <...> The aim of the study is to analyse the chemical composition of the crude shell of green shrimp and to develop the technology of producing chitin from this raw material. <...> While producing chitosan (chitin), the effect of the concentration of chlorohydric acid, temperature and time on the content of alkali is studied. <...> It has been stated that while producing chitosan (chitin), the optimal concentration of HCl, at which the quantity of alkali is reduced by 91.98%, is 2M. <...> The best result of deproteinization is received when using 1M NaOH at the temperature 75°С for 4 hours. <...> Our objective is to appraise the state of the art concerning this polysaccharide: its morphology in the native solid state, methods of identification and characterization and chemical modifications, as well as the difficulties in utilizing and processing it for the selected applications [8, 9]. <...> The chemical method for isolation of chitin from crustacean shell biomass involves various major steps: elimination of inorganic matter (calcium carbonate) in dilute acidic medium (demineralization), and usually demineralization is accomplished by using HCl. <...> As an alternative to the chemical process, a biological process using microorganisms has been evaluated for the demineralization [18, 19] and the deproteinization [13]. <...> D.34212 Melsungen, Germany) to pass through a 1.6 mm sieve and stored at 4ºC in tight dark glasses till it was subjected to demineralization and deproteinization process. <...> Deproteinization was carried out using NaOH concentrations (1M NaOH) at the temperature 75°C for 4 hours with a solution/solid ratio of 1/15 w/v. <...> Сер.: Рыбное хозяйство. 2016. № 2 ference (LSD) was obtained to compare the means of treatments, using Costat version 6.311 (Copyright 1998–2005, CoHort Software). <...> Results and discussion Proximate composition of crude shrimp shells (moisture, protein, fat, alkali, carbohydrates and fiber content), was presented in Table 1. <...> Table 1 Chemical composition of crude shrimp shells (on dry weight basis) Samples Crud shrimp shells % Moisture % Protein % Fat % Carbohydrates % Ash % Fiber 13.05 36.63 4.85 7.38 <...>

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