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Рецепт  / №4 2010

Competitiveness in the market of public procurement of goods and services (on the example of the health care sector) (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторLewandowska
АннотацияPublic procurement market plays an important role in securing the efefctive expenditure of budgetary funds in the health care sector. Medical institution’s demand in the form of the quantity of orders stimulates the number of organizations to participate in the tender. The specific character of orders implies that the parties of the health sector may be served only by specialized organizations. Excess of demand over supply leads to making up from one to several orders through one organization, but this does not diminish the competitiveness of the tender operations
Lewandowska, H. Competitiveness in the market of public procurement of goods and services (on the example of the health care sector) / H. Lewandowska // Рецепт .— 2010 .— №4 .— С. 39-43 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/499302 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Фармацевтический маркетинг Lewandowska H. Ph.D. in Economics Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock Competitiveness in the market of public procurement of goods and services (on the example of the health care sector) Resume Public procurement market plays an important role in securing the effective expenditure of budgetary funds in the health care sector. <...> Medical institution’s demand in the form of the quantity of orders stimulates the number of organizations to participate in the tender. <...> The specific character of orders implies that the parties of the health sector may be served only by specialized organizations. <...> Excess of demand over supply leads to making up from one to several orders through one organization, but this does not diminish the competitiveness of the tender operations. <...> INTRODUCTION The political changes that began in Poland in 1989 had a direct impact on the dynamic functioning of economic entities. <...> Adoption of the Law on Business and later the Law on Freedom of Economic Activities contributed to their further development. <...> Changing market conditions force organizations to continuously monitor the changes in the external environment, and the possibility of business survival and achieving success depend on the market. <...> Entrepreneurship is connected with the necessity to obtain information on other companies in the same industry, working in the market. <...> Awareness of the quality of products and the prices offered by producers in the same industry or information on the supply in one market segment help strengthen one’s position in the market. <...> The economic effect of competition is revealed in price reduction, improving the quality of production and innovation activities. <...> The dynamism of the formation and development of markets and individual entities is intensifying the globalization processes, which lead to changes in the field of competition. <...> The competitiveness in the market requires a certain attitude from the company in the market, and the choice of strategy depends on the availability of financial and technical resources. <...> This thesis is proved by the structure of enterprises, which carry out the public orders of the health «Рецепт» № 4 (72), 2010 care sector. <...> The specific and relatively stable nature of orders influences the specialization of organizations in the health care sector. <...> As a consequence, delivery orders for equipment and materials, as well as maintenance in the field of health care are carried out by a relatively constant group of companies operating in the public procurement market. <...> PURPOSE The purpose of this article is to present the grounds for the procurement proposal to meet supplies <...>