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Педагогические науки  / №3 (72) 2015


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Первый авторРахимова
АннотацияВ данной статье рассмотрена тема использования фильмов при обучении иностранному языку, в частности английскому. Приведены преимущества и доводы за использование видеоматериалов на обычных уроках английского языка. Рассмотрены различного рода упражнения и задания для студентов с использованием видеоматериалов для закрепления пройденного материала, а также развития умения слушать и понимать иностранную речь.
Рахимова, Ш.Б. ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ФИЛЬМОВ В ПРЕПОДАВАНИИ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА / Ш.Б. Рахимова // Педагогические науки .— 2015 .— №3 (72) .— С. 33-34 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/491230 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Рассмотрены различного рода упражнения и задания для студентов с использованием видеоматериалов для закрепления пройденного материала, а также развития умения слушать и понимать иностранную речь. <...> USING FILMS IN TEACHING ENGLISH Films can be used wisely for efficacious studying English. <...> Whenever English doesn’t consist of just grammar, punctuation and spelling, watching films in English evolve analysis possibilities and critical comprehension. <...> They may easily be shown to students in classroom individually, using DVD and video. <...> Films in foreign language might be considered as modern and innovative way of studying the language; they provide language in conjunction with action and linguistic input. <...> There can be created discussions, exercises and questions about the film scenes in the foreign language. <...> I have been teaching video lesson at the university for almost eight years and noticed that my subject was one of the most popular among students. <...> It happened not because there was something special about me, but because all students love to watch films. <...> Even those students who didn’t want to study very much were doing great at my lessons. <...> Most teachers know that videos and films are the efficient teaching tools, as they suit to today’s technological development age. <...> Different researches over the years have shown that movies positively affect the studying process. <...> At the same time visual information is assimilated faster than any other kind of studying tool. <...> In Phonetics lesson students develop their listening and pronunciation skills, while in Grammar lesson they improve their grammar skills including writing and reading, whereas in video lesson they develop all four skills in integration. <...> Namely, while watching a film they listen to the conversation, at the same time they read the sub-titles under it, watch the action with the characters’ body language and gestures. <...> Consequently, all the skills will be developed at one time, and in this way there comes effective learning of a particular subject. <...> It can be said that watching films in the lesson is a great solution to kill two birds with one stone. <...> Moreover, movies enlarge general knowledge on such a subject <...>