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Дерматовенерология. Косметология  / №2 2015

Geostatistical modeling of onychomycosis incidence rates in Vinnitsa region (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторKizina
АннотацияGeostatistical 2011–2013 years. To accommodate overdispersion we extended Poison model to conjugate Poisson-Gamma model. We also enhanced analysis by advances of space and spacetime modeling. The model fi t is getting much better in parallel with model complexity. In conclusion we admit the auspicious features of Bayes hierarchical modeling with powerful f elxibility to disclose underlying patterns in data distribution. We proved that there is conspicuous space pattern in risk of contagion with onychomycosis. The space structured residuals revealed signifi cant sigma (s) estimates that in both space specifi cations leaves zero beyond 95% CI. This in tune with model fi t criterions bears witness to signifi cance of space component in aggregated counts distribution and support space nature of data. Dynamic ef efct also appeared to be signifi cant with and indicates the decline in risk of contagion in 2011–2013 by factor of 0.755. Our data rebut hypothesis on inf ulence of population density as good proxy for development of territory on risk of onychomycosis infection. Yet the study sustained the number of saunas and beauty salons as signifi cant risk factors of infection. Interesting that soil pH also exerted its inf luence admittedly due to inhibition of pectinolytic activity of soil micro f olra. Number of district population ef efct was insignifi cant under any specifi cation.
Kizina, I. Geostatistical modeling of onychomycosis incidence rates in Vinnitsa region / I. Kizina // Дерматовенерология. Косметология .— 2015 .— №2 .— С. 10-16 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/478883 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

To accommodate overdispersion we extended Poison model to conjugate Poisson-Gamma model. <...> In conclusion we admit the auspicious features of Bayes hierarchical modeling with powerful fl exibility to disclose underlying patterns in data distribution. <...> We proved that there is conspicuous space pattern in risk of contagion with onychomycosis. <...> The space structured residuals revealed signifi cant sigma (s) estimates that in both space specifi cations leaves zero beyond 95% CI. <...> This in tune with model fi t criterions bears witness to signifi cance of space component in aggregated counts distribution and support space nature of data. <...> Dynamic eff ect also appeared to be signifi cant with and indicates the decline in risk of contagion in 2011–2013 by factor of 0.755. <...> Our data rebut hypothesis on infl uence of population density as good proxy for development of territory on risk of onychomycosis infection. <...> Yet the study sustained the number of saunas and beauty salons as signifi cant risk factors of infection. <...> Interesting that soil pH also exerted its infl uence admittedly due to inhibition of pectinolytic activity of soil micro fl ora. <...> Number of district population eff ect was insignifi cant under any specifi cation. <...> The most powerful and fl exible recognized to be Bayes approach realized through Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) samplers [1]. <...> Given aggregated by districts annual counts of onychomycosis incidence we opted for classical discreet Poisson space model. <...> We also use number of district population to make allowance for population density. <...> Another factor was weighted soil pH value. <...> Basic Poisson overdispersed model We discovered that classical Poisson model failed to describe observed counts for the latter is over dispersed that is often the case for aggregated data [2]. <...> To accommodate overdispersion we extended Poison model to conjugate Poisson-Gamma model: ( , ) yi ~ i ~ Gamma a Poisson ( ) i i i First two moments of expected counts µі distribution parameters і =аі/і that resulting dispersion of observed counts (уі Var(уі)=E[Var(уі | µі)]+Var[E(уі | µі <...>

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