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Компетентность/Competency (Russia)  / №9-10 (130-131) 2015

Оценка соответствия услуг: новый нормативный документ (150,00 руб.)

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АннотацияКомитет международной организации по стандартизации ИСО по оценке соответствия (CASCO) подготавливает новый нормативный документ по услугам
Оценка соответствия услуг: новый нормативный документ // Компетентность/Competency (Russia) .— 2015 .— №9-10 (130-131) .— С. 71-71 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/467136 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Kompetentnost' 9–10/130–131/2015 ISSN 1993-8780 MANAGEMENT 69 Fuzzy Set Model Performance Evaluation of the Agro-industrial Cluster Yu. <...> M. Sapego, Deputy Director, Educational and Methodical Work, Voronezh Branch FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Voronezh, Russia, metod@asms-vrn.ru key words regional agro-industrial cluster, quality and safety management system, conceptual model of the assessment of quality and safety management system, mathematical apparatus of fuzzy set theory Formation of agro-industrial clusters is one of the most effective areas of sustainable development of regions. <...> The level of competitiveness, food quality and safety of cluster’s agricultural products depends on the effectiveness of its management system. <...> Regional agroindustrial cluster as a distributed system is a complex organizational and technical management object. <...> That’s why an objective assessment of its effectiveness is of particular relevance when making managerial decisions. <...> The methodology of assessing the effectiveness of the agro-industrial cluster’s control system in terms of food productsquality and safety on the basis of mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets is given. <...> The main significance of the developed hierarchical model is obtaining in the current time values of the indicators necessary for management decision-making in terms of food quality and safety of agricultural products cluster. <...> M., Solyanik A.I. Sistemnoe upravlenie kachestvom i bezopasnost’yu produktsii agropromyshlennogo klastera (metodologiya issledovaniy) [System management of quality and safety of agro-industrial cluster (research methodology).], Materialy IV Мezhdunarodnogo nauchno-prakticheskogo foruma «Effektivnye sistemy menedzhmenta — strategii uspekha», Kazan’, 2014, pp. 203–208. 2. <...> M., Loginova V.I. Kontseptual’naya model’ upravleniya kachestvom produktsii agropromyshlennogo klastera [A conceptual model of quality management of agro-industrial cluster], Voronezh, Izdatel’stvo VGTA, 2011, р. 7–10. 3. <...> Metody, modeli i sredstva otsenki rezul’tativnosti sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva promyshlennogo predpriyatiya [Methods, models and means of an assessment of productivity of the industrial enterprise QMS], dis. kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.13, 08.00.05, Ivanovskiy gos. khim.-tekhnol. universitet, Ivanovo, 2012, 258 p. 4. <...> Leonenkov <...>