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Право и современные государства  / №1 2016


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Первый авторBoshno Svetlana
АннотацияPrivate entrepreneurs and state authorities inevitably get into some kind of interactions. Relations between private and public structures can be either legal or illegal. Corruption is an example of illegal collaboration. Bodies of legislative power represented by deputies and senators appear as attractive figures for businesspersons who want to increase their income by means of introducing certain legislative amendments. Corruption has many forms: direct bribery of members of parliament, appointment to specific posts on completing the public career, planting representatives of business structures into state authorities so that they can provide insider information, etc. The author views lobbyism as a method that businesses use to influence the law-making process. Legalisation and establishment of distinct legal boundaries for lobbyist activities decreases the level of corruption in legislative authorities.
Boshno, S. CORRUPTION AS A WAY OF BUSINESS INFLUENCE ON LEGISLATIVE PROCESS / S. Boshno // Право и современные государства .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 63-71 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/466744 (дата обращения: 10.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

63 COMPARATIVE STADIES JURISPRUDENCE (12.00.00) CORRUPTION AS A WAY OF BUSINESS INFLUENCE ON LEGISLATIVE PROCESS* DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14420/en.2016.1.1 Svetlana Boshno, Svetlana Vladimirovna Boshno, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, President of Consulting and Legal Protection of People Foundation, email: boshno@yandex.ru. <...> Private entrepreneurs and state authorities inevitably get into some kind of interactions. <...> Relations between private and public structures can be either legal or illegal. <...> Bodies of legislative power represented by deputies and senators appear as attractive figures for businesspersons who want to increase their income by means of introducing certain legislative amendments. <...> Corruption has many forms: direct bribery of members of parliament, appointment to specific posts on completing the public career, planting representatives of business structures into state authorities so that they can provide insider information, etc. <...> The author views lobbyism as a method that businesses use to influence the law-making process. <...> Legalisation and establishment of distinct legal boundaries for lobbyist activities decreases the level of corruption in legislative authorities. <...> Subject of Research: relations between business structures and legislators Object of Research: social and legal norms regulating businesslegislators` interaction and the practices of its realization. <...> Data base for analysis and sources Information about members and deputies (sex, age, experience, etc.) provided by official websites of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. * Translated by Bibichkova Svetlana. <...> LAW AND MODERN STATES Право и современные государства Law and modern states 64 income. <...> Normative legal acts regulating the interaction of business, civil society and members of parliament in legislative process. <...> Resource of juridical information “Consultant Plus” containing normative legal acts, court practice documents and comments on legislation. <...> Scientific literature on law-making, legislative process, formation of a group of legislators and lobbyism, corruption, civil society, access to the state bodies work information. <...> Legal models include: – businessmen become legislators to promote their commercial interests – businessmen are made legislators to legally finance party needs – business delegates into legislators by bribing certain groups of people to promote their interestsbusiness finances legislators spending including legislation – business gives money for certain projects <...>