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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry  / №1 2016

Parameters for Quantitative Evaluation of the Radical-Generating (Pro-Oxidant) Capacity of Metal Ions and the Radical-Scavenging Activity of Antioxidants Using Voltammetric Method (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторBatalova
АвторыYurii G., Anton A.
АннотацияIn the system, which combines the Fenton reaction or similar (of iron, cobalt, nickel or copper ions with hydrogen peroxide) with the registration of the hydroxyl radical cathodic reduction voltammetric current, the parameters were adjusted for quantitative evaluation of the radical-generating (prooxidant) capacity of metal ions and activity of antioxidants in radical stress induced by metal ions of different nature. Measure of metal ions pro-oxidant activity is the value of the regression coefёcient (expressed in plus microAmpere per micromol) of equation for linear approximation, constructed in the coordinates of analytical signal increasing relative to metal ions number in the reaction system. The value of the same regression coefёcient (expressed in minus microAmpere per micromol) of equation for linear approximation, constructed in the coordinates of analytical signal decreasing relative to the amount of antioxidant (ascorbic acid) in the reaction system, is a measure of the antioxidant activity of substance.
Batalova, ValentinaN. Parameters for Quantitative Evaluation of the Radical-Generating (Pro-Oxidant) Capacity of Metal Ions and the Radical-Scavenging Activity of Antioxidants Using Voltammetric Method / ValentinaN. Batalova, G. Yurii, A. Anton // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 60-67 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/457001 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Chemistry 1 (2016 9) 60-67 ~ ~ ~ УДК 542.943-92’78 Parameters for Quantitative Evaluation of the Radical-Generating (Pro-Oxidant) Capacity of Metal Ions and the Radical-Scavenging Activity of Antioxidants Using Voltammetric Method Valentina N. Batalova, Yurii G. <...> Slizhov and Anton A. Chumakov* National Research Tomsk State University 36 Lenin Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia Received 10.08.2015, received in revised form 16.12.2015, accepted 04.03.2016 In the system, which combines the Fenton reaction or similar (of iron, cobalt, nickel or copper ions with hydrogen peroxide) with the registration of the hydroxyl radical cathodic reduction voltammetric current, the parameters were adjusted for quantitative evaluation of the radical-generating (prooxidant) capacity of metal ions and activity of antioxidants in radical stress induced by metal ions of different nature. <...> Measure of metal ions pro-oxidant activity is the value of the regression coeffi cient (expressed in plus microAmpere per micromol) of equation for linear approximation, constructed in the coordinates of analytical signal increasing relative to metal ions number in the reaction system. <...> The value of the same regression coeffi cient (expressed in minus microAmpere per micromol) of equation for linear approximation, constructed in the coordinates of analytical signal decreasing relative to the amount of antioxidant (ascorbic acid) in the reaction system, is a measure of the antioxidant activity of substance. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: anton.doktor.tomsk@mail.ru # 60 # Valentina N. Batalova, Yurii G. <...> Slizhov… Parameters for Quantitative Evaluation of the Radical-Generating… Параметры количественной оценки радикал-генерирующей (прооксидантной) способности ионов металлов и антирадикальной активности антиоксидантов при использовании вольтамперометрического метода В.Н. Баталова <...>