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Первый авторSyrykh
АннотацияThe article examines the materialistic type of law interpretation, integrating different approaches for the understanding of law. The conclusion is made on the special nature of the method of integrative law interpretation, the principles of its application in the process of law studying and on the staged implementation of the objective law.
Syrykh, V.M. Integrative Methodology of Law Interpretation / V.M. Syrykh // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 141-146 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/447685 (дата обращения: 10.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2015 8) 1661-1666 ~ ~ ~ УДК 340.12 Integrative Methodology of Law Interpretation Vladimir M. Syrykh* Russian Academy of Justice 14 Zubovskaya Str., Moscow, 119121, Russia Received 11.02.2015, received in revised form 12.04.2015, accepted 29.04.2015 The article examines the materialistic type of law interpretation, integrating different approaches for the understanding of law. <...> The conclusion is made on the special nature of the method of integrative law interpretation, the principles of its application in the process of law studying and on the staged implementation of the objective law. <...> Keywords: law interpretation, materialist theory of law, positive law, objective law, individual rights, theory of law. <...> Discussion on law interpretation, held by Russian jurists in 80-90ies of the last century led to a remarkable, from our point of view, conclusion that none of the leading legal doctrines of our time – positivist, sociological, psychological, natural legal – alone currently not able to cover all of the essential, necessary facets of law. <...> For these purposes, we need to use an integrative approach. <...> At the same time, he believes that “following an integrative approach, we should not insist that a particular feature of law is inadmissible, or, on the contrary substantial, without which there is no right at all” 1 . <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: svm27@mail.ru # 1661 # integrative approach so far is very narrow, which can be explained by two factors. <...> First, the integrative approach, based on the free choice of the essential features of law, justifi ed by different legal doctrines, is more reminiscent of the eclectics, rather than a creative scientifi c method. <...> Secondly, no representative of the leading legal doctrines is not ready to give up his doctrine of pure object to its appropriate understanding of the basics right dilute some additional features, justifi ed by other legal theory. <...> Materialistic theory of law acts as a doctrine, which is capable of creative implementation of ideas of integrative approach on a purely scientifi c methodological basis, devoid of eclecticism and unilateralism, for which the law is a way of social relationship, ensuring stability and sustainability of society, existing in a social division of labor and dependence of each individual <...>