Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634620)
Имагология и компаративистика

Имагология и компаративистика №1 2017

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АннотацияЖурнал основан в 2014 году по инициативе кафедры русской и зарубежной литературы Томского государственного университета. первое в России научное периодическое издание, посвященное вопросам сравнительного изучения литературы и культуры. Он призван объединить усилия российских и зарубежных ученых в деле исследования международных литературных связей и предоставить площадку для обсуждения актуальных проблем методологии компаративистики, истории литературных отношений, мировой литературы. Специальная цель журнала – способствовать развитию имагологии, междисциплинарного научного направления, изучающего образы регионов, стран, народов в родной или инокультурной среде. Редакционный совет надеется тем самым внести посильный вклад в преодоление взаимных мифов и фобий и укрепление международной интеграции. Мы приветствуем статьи из смежных областей гуманитарного знания – сравнительной культурологии, истории, социологии и политологии, поскольку компаративистика изначально представляла собой междисциплинарную сферу. Целостное видение международных контактов – необходимая база для понимания места и специфики литературного трансфера.
Имагология и компаративистика : Научно-практический журнал .— Томск : Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет .— 2017 .— №1 .— 200 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446564 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

E-mail: Solovka-05@yandex.ru Keywords: Russian Empire, 18th century, Lomonosov, solemn ode, semantics of power. 24 . <...> The genre “solemn ode” demanded correlating events of modernity with great dates of the past and deeds of the ancestors. <...> The solemn ode were written for a certain date, associated either with military victories or major public holidays. “Praisful” odes were created for the “glorification” of the monarch, and acquired the status of a document fixing the power intention in society. <...> The first experience of Lomonosov’s “solemn” ode dates back to 1739. <...> Musorina, L.A. (2000) [Odes, III 30: Imitations of the thirtieth Ode of Horace in Russian literature]. <...> ITALIAN TEXT IN THE CRITICAL WORKS AND CORRESPONDENCE BY I.V. KIREYEVSKY Imagologiya i komparativistikaImagology and Comparative Studies, 2017, 1(7), pp. 26–51. <...> Italian text occupies an important place in the works by the Lyubomudry, who started a new stage in the cultural dialogue between Russia and Europe. <...> These authors represented Italy as a real space and a cultural phenomenon (as in the stories by Pogodin and Pavlov, the journey notes and poetry by Shevyrev), a philosophic phenomenon (Odoevsky’s prose), a personal psychological experience (the works by Shevyrev, Venevitinov). <...> Italian text found an original interpretation in the works by I.V. Kireyevsky as well. <...> When young, he was a member of the Society of Lyubomudriye and supported the idea of the cultural dialogue between Russia and Europe. <...> However, his ideas about global and Russian development, the role of religion for the culture, and the laws of literary process form a unifying vision. <...> The first is found in “Something on the character of Pushkin’s poetry”, “About Russian women writers”, .  51 “About the language of Yazykov”, etc., where Kireyevsky discusses contacts between Russian and Italian literature and describes the worldview in Italian art, or dwells on the destiny of princess Z. Volkonskaya – a writer and the Lyubomudry’ “muse”, whose emigration had a great influence on their works. <...> He renounces the ideas of cultural dialogue between Russia and Europe. <...> Dolgushin, D.V. (2009) V.A. Zhukovskiy i I.V. Kireevskiy: Iz istorii religioznykh iskaniy russkogo romantizma [V.A. Zhukovsky and I.V. Kireyevsky: From the History of Religious Pursuits of Russian Romanticism]. <...> The paper is prepared within Project IUT 34-30 “Ideology of Translation <...>
   IMAGOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES  2017  7
   » .  ) – .  .  () – . .  .  () – . .  .  () – .  .  () .  () .  () .  () .  () .  () .  () .  (, ) .  (, )  (, )  (, )  (, )  (, ) EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE JOURNAL “IMAGOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES” Aleksandr S. Yanushkevich (Tomsk) – Chairperson Olga B. Lebedeva (Tomsk) – Deputy Chairperson Vitaliy S. Kiselev (Tomsk) – Deputy Chairperson Nikolay V. Khomuk (Tomsk) – Executivt Editor Alexey A. Kazakov (Tomsk) Natalia Ye. Nikonova (Tomsk) Elena N. Penskaya (Moscow) Vladimir V. Abashev (Perm) Kirill V. Anisimov (Krasnoyarsk) Lyudmila A. Hodanen (Kemerovo) Rostislav Yu. Danilevsky (St. Petersburg) Ilya Yu. Vinitsky (California, USA) Vasily G. Shchukin (Cracow, Poland) Susi K. Frank (Berlin, Germany) Rita Giuliani (Rome, Italy) Antonella d’Amelia (Salerno, Italy) Timur Guzairov (Tartu, Estonia)
  . «»:  .  ............................................................................... 5  .        .  ........................................................................................................................ 26 .: .  (1938– 1940).............................................................................................................................................. 53  , ,  »  ................................................................................................................................ 71  . . :   ...................................................................................................................... 77 . , , : .  «» ............................................................................. 93 . «, , …»:   » .....................................................................................................108 ..  ......................................................126 . «…  ,     ». .  () ............................................................................................................142 ..  1 .....................................................................................166 . : , , ......................................................................181  ................................................................................................................197
CONTENTS IMAGOLOGY Solovyev K.A. “Rule and have all power over happiness”: the semantics of state power in Lomonosov’s solemn odes........................................................................................................... 5 Pushkareva Yu.E. Italian text in the critical works and correspondence by I.V. Kireyevsky............................................................................................................................. 26 Guzairov T. Back to the USSR: Kuprin and Gorky represented by V.E. Gushchik (1938– 1940).............................................................................................................................................. 53 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE «THE NATIONAL, THE IMPERIAL, THE COLONIAL IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE» Kiselev V.S. Editorial................................................................................................................... 71 Yanushkevich A.S. Features of V.A. Zhukovsky’s imperial text: ideology and cultural enlightenment................................................................................................................................ 77 Lebedeva O.B. The national, the imperial, the colonial as a factor of private life: V.A. Zhukovsky’s epistle «To Voeikov».................................................................................... 93 Sozina E.K. “Amongst the Chuvash, the Tatars and the Mordovians . . .”: Eastern Russia in the Kazan magazine Zavolzhskiy muravey .............................................................................108 Alekseev P.V. F.M. Dostoevsky and Mahomet’s pitcher..........................................................126 Anisimov K.V. «…In a tattered waggon, amid chickens and kind Bashkirs»: Leo Tolstoy inverts Western Orientalism (creation and life-creation in the Bashkir steppe).......................142 Frank S. The Solovki text (Part 1)..............................................................................................166 Maroshi V.V. The Mongol Empire in modern Russian imperial projects: fantastic fiction, publicism, folk history..................................................................................................................181 Information about the authors .................................................................................................197