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Первый авторPrikazchikova
АннотацияThe paper gives the analysis of ёve Voltaire’s onomomyths, created by literary mentality during the Age of Enlightenment in Russia. On the basis of investigation of these onomomyths, interpreting Voltaire as a ёghter with religious fanaticism, as a plenipotentiary minister of the Hell, as a leader of liberals, as an inspirer of “Voltairian” suicides, as an organizer of the French revolution, the author comes to the conclusion about non-historical character of cultural creation of myths. The present creation of myths in new literary-historical conditions can regenerate and develop old plots, associated with the eternal problem of interrelation of personality and society.
УДК911.7(477.75) + 81’286 + 14 + 94(470)
Prikazchikova, ElenaE. Voltaire’s Onomomyths in Russian Literary Consciousness of the Enlightenment / ElenaE. Prikazchikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №7 .— С. 161-170 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446415 (дата обращения: 10.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

On the basis of investigation of these onomomyths, interpreting Voltaire as a fi ghter with religious fanaticism, as a plenipotentiary minister of the Hell, as a leader of liberals, as an inspirer of “Voltairian” suicides, as an organizer of the French revolution, the author comes to the conclusion about non-historical character of cultural creation of myths. <...> The present creation of myths in new literary-historical conditions can regenerate and develop old plots, associated with the eternal problem of interrelation of personality and society. <...> However, in the theoretical study of the problems of myth-making, it literary consciousness of the era the century, with their active literary mythis important to separate myth-making as a real process of and analytical understanding of the role of the myth in scientifi c consciousness of any literary movement. <...> For the latter it seems productive to use the term “philosophy of myth”. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: nkovtun@mail.ru # 1469 # view of V.M. Naidysh that even in the era of classicism “the myth appeared as a kind of conscious, Enlightenment of the subject” (Naidysh, 2002, p. 405). <...> Ideologized myth-making of realized itself in rational and ideological creativity the the phenomenon of cultural myth, which is a word (the term “myth” is translated as “a word” from Greek) about the world, a certain subculture of a particular functioning within literary and historical era and which is found in the literature works par excellence. <...> The collection of all cultural myths creates a certain model of the world, which is proper literary era. for this very Elena E. Prikazchikova. <...> Voltaire’s Onomomyths in Russian Literary Consciousness of the Enlightenment Theoretical framework myth-making in the 18th Theoretical understanding of the problem of century was proposed by V.M. Zhivov, B.A. Uspenskii, A.M. Panchenko. <...> The cultural myth of the golden age of Russian literature in the linguistic coverage” by A.B. Pen’kovskii, monograph “The life of manor myth: paradise lost and found” by E.E. Dmitrieva and O.N. Kuptsova, monograph “Feeding the double headed eagle”: literature and state ideology in Russia of the last third of the 18th of the 19th –the fi rst third century” by A.L. Zorin, monograph “Myths of the Empire: literature and the power in the era of Catherine II” by V.Iu. <...> Proskurina, monograph “Poetic mythology of the 18th century. <...> Among works of foreign authors, which are related to the myth-making of the 18th century, we can distinguish highly informative works by R.S. <...>