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Первый авторGovorukhina
АннотацияThis article investigates attitudes and rituals, including the problem of preserving the language in scenarios typical for the patriots: battles with enemies, rescue, feat, betrayal. It also focuses on rules of treating this phenomenon in the framework of binary logic and related cognitive structures.
Govorukhina, YuliaА. The Problem of the Russian Language Preservation in the “Scenarios” of the Patriot Critics’ Texts / YuliaА. Govorukhina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №7 .— С. 36-42 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446373 (дата обращения: 10.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 7 (2015 8) 1344-1350 ~ ~ ~ УДК 82.09 The Problem of the Russian Language Preservation in the “Scenarios” of the Patriot Critics’ Texts Yulia А. <...> Govorukhina* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 11.12.2014, received in revised form 29.01.2015, accepted 18.02.2015 This article investigates attitudes and rituals, including the problem of preserving the language in scenarios typical for the patriots: battles with enemies, rescue, feat, betrayal. <...> It also focuses on rules of treating this phenomenon in the framework of binary logic and related cognitive structures. <...> Introduction Literary-critical discourse can be considered within a larger ideological discourse. <...> Proximity of seems obvious (the history of Russian criticism, in which publicism and tendentiousness were always stronger and successfully competed with “aesthetic” criticism attitudes, proves it). <...> Criticism is habitually recognized as a sociocultural art, and science. is implied, in Terry Eagleton’s judgment institute related to politics, ideology, It ideological and literary-critical activities the general ideological line of critical judgment presentation. <...> It can be proved by the example of ideological “appropriation” of the language problem in modern patriotic criticism. <...> All rights reserved / extra-linguistic factors which are involved in text production regardless of the author’s will. (N.D. Arutiunova defi nes discourse as “a coherent text in the aggregate with extra-linguistic, pragmatic, socio-cultural, psychological and other factors; the text in its eventive aspect; the speech considered as a purposeful social action, a component involved in people’s interaction and * Corresponding author E-mail address: yuliya_govoruhina@listl.ru # 1344 # Yulia А. <...> The Problem of the Russian Language Preservation in the “Scenarios” of the Patriot Critics’ Texts mechanisms of their consciousness (cognitive processes)” (Arutiunova, 1998, 136-137). <...> Observing a ritual becomes another (in addition to ideological agreement of opinion) sign of belonging to “one’s own people”. 2. <...> M. Foucault’s idea seems also signifi cant. He defi ned the speech as a tool of familiarization with reality which not only facilitates learning / speaking about the world but leads to the formation of the rules of such speaking and relevant cognitive structures (Foucault, 1996a). <...> In our work we base on the method of critical discourse analysis <...>