Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638238)
Agricultural Biology  / №4 2013


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Первый авторProkaeva
АвторыNovikov B.V.
АннотацияHerpesvirus disease of Siberian sturgeon, caused by SbSHV, is especially severe in the industrial populations. The commonly used method for its specific diagnostics has a sufficient disadvantage because of SbSHV active reproduction in vivo when the water temperature is in the range of 10-18 С, and therefore, can be applied mainly in spring and sometimes in autumn. At other seasons the amount of the virus in the fish tissues reduces so that it becomes nearly unrevealable. We have developed a method for retrospective diagnosis of herpesvirus disease of Siberian sturgeon using indirect ELISA version. Experimental data on ELISA development for the detection of antibodies against Siberian sturgeon herpesvirus are presented. Procedures for preparing the ELISA specific reagents are described, including the virus reproduction in cell culture, isolation of IgM-like immunoglobulin from hyperimmune antisera of sturgeon, etc. The effectiveness of the proposed method and the reaction of neutralization was compared. It is shown, that by elaborated method the SbSHV antibodies can be detected both in the Siberian sturgeon, and among closely related species of sturgeon, or their hybrids.
Prokaeva, I.B. INDIRECT ELISA FOR THE DETECTION OF ANTIBODIES IN SERA OF STURGEON FISH SPECIES / I.B. Prokaeva, B.V. Novikov // Agricultural Biology .— 2013 .— №4 .— С. 28-31 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436699 (дата обращения: 07.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2013, № 4, p. 53-58 UDC 639.3.09:619:578:616-079.7:577.083.3 INDIRECT ELISA FOR THE DETECTION OF ANTIBODIES IN SERA OF STURGEON FISH SPECIES 1All-Russia Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Miсrobiology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Pokrov, Vladimir Region, 601120 Russia, e-mail: prokaeva-ul@yandex.ru; I.B. Prokaeva1, B.V. Novikov2 2N.F. <...> Gamalei, Moscow, 123098 Russia Received January 25, 2013 S umma r y Herpesvirus disease of Siberian sturgeon, caused by SbSHV, is especially severe in the industrial populations. <...> The commonly used method for its specific diagnostics has a sufficient disadvantage because of SbSHV active reproduction in vivo when the water temperature is in the range of 10-18 С, and therefore, can be applied mainly in spring and sometimes in autumn. <...> At other seasons the amount of the virus in the fish tissues reduces so that it becomes nearly unrevealable. <...> We have developed a method for retrospective diagnosis of herpesvirus disease of Siberian sturgeon using indirect ELISA version. <...> Procedures for preparing the ELISA specific reagents are described, including the virus reproduction in cell culture, isolation of IgM-like immunoglobulin from hyperimmune antisera of sturgeon, etc. <...> The effectiveness of the proposed method and the reaction of neutralization was compared. <...> It is shown, that by elaborated method the SbSHV antibodies can be detected both in the Siberian sturgeon, and among closely related species of sturgeon, or their hybrids. <...> Siberian sturgeon herpes virus (SbSHV) is a highly-contagious disease with acute course and mass mortality of mixed-age fingerling of Acipenser baeri showing symptoms of hemorrhagic necrosis syndrome. <...> The disease affects industrial populations of sturgeon and develops especially severe in conditions of industrial fish farms. <...> The disease was first diagnosed in Russia in 2006, and, according to the available data, it is quite frequent in sturgeon fish farms (1, 2). <...> A similar infection of Acipenser transmontanus is known in North America and Western Europe (3). <...> Susceptibility to experimental infection was revealed in sturgeon and hybrid sturgeon ½ beluga ½ sterlet (SBS). <...> Currently, there is the only such method for diagnosing SbSHV – classical isolation in cell culture <...>