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Педагогические науки  / №3 (78) 2016


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Первый авторРахимова
АннотацияВ данной статье раскрывается тема улучшения медиа культуры в высших учебных заведения, раскрывается понятие медиа культуры и какими технологиями можно воспользоваться для ее улучшения. Приведены практические примеры.
Рахимова, Ш.Б. ТЕХНОЛОГИИ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ МЕДИАКУЛЬТУРЫ В ВЫСШИХ УЧЕБНЫХ ЗАВЕДЕНИЯХ / Ш.Б. Рахимова // Педагогические науки .— 2016 .— №3 (78) .— С. 59-59 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/430553 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Низами, Узбекистан) ТЕХНОЛОГИИ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ МЕДИАКУЛЬТУРЫ В ВЫСШИХ УЧЕБНЫХ ЗАВЕДЕНИЯХ В данной статье раскрывается тема улучшения медиа культуры в высших учебных заведения, раскрывается понятие медиа культуры и какими технологиями можно воспользоваться для ее улучшения. <...> TECHNOLOGIES OF IMPROVING MEDIA CULTURE IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS What can be determined as a culture in higher educational institutions and what kind of relation can media have to it? <...> According to Ronald Barth it is “how people do things around here”, also there is more expanded version that culture is the emotions and experience shared in and out of educational institution, feeling of diversity, community, and family based on special traditions and celebrations. <...> In the modern world technologies and media play huge role, and they also gained their own place in education. <...> There are several technologies of improving media culture in higher educational institutions: 1. <...> Integration through social media to online platforms for sharing valuable resources and inspiring each other. <...> Through the online platforms people can become part of a larger community, whether local or global, and get more inspiration, knowledge, experience. <...> As a result the culture of higher institution expands, fulfills shortages using global network. 2. <...> Media culture might also be developed through integration of informational technologies, which can help to connect educators and students. <...> It brings not only convenient interpersonal connection, but also connection with the entire field of education. <...> Teachers may find out the solutions of issues, get ideas from other teachers around the world and be connected with students. <...> Students may approach to their teacher or peers through the media easily and solve diverse amount of problems. <...> For example, problems with learning new words or misunderstandings about the grammar structure of foreign language can be resolved with the help of technologies with variety of ideas and solutions from different people around the world or institution with the same trouble. 3. <...> At the same moment new technologies might provide the basis for more comfortable and easy way to communicate, share information, the tasks, questionnaires, assessment, surveys about teachers, school, system and many more <...>