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Педагогические науки  / №3 (78) 2016


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Первый авторАбдуллаева
АннотацияВ данной статье описывается важность семьи и семейной психологии на воспитание всесторонне развитой личности. Приведены практические рекомендации и выведены принципы общения в семье.
Абдуллаева, Д.У. ВАЖНОСТЬ СЕМЬИ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ / Д.У. Абдуллаева // Педагогические науки .— 2016 .— №3 (78) .— С. 7-7 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/430540 (дата обращения: 09.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Низами, Узбекистан) ВАЖНОСТЬ СЕМЬИ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ В данной статье описывается важность семьи и семейной психологии на воспитание всесторонне развитой личности. <...> IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY IN FORMING A PERSON Family is clearly one of the main institutes of human upbringing. <...> The things taught and accepted from family stay with child till the end of his/her life. <...> In family children get the foundation for their future character, main life principles, fundamental knowledge about relationship and human interactions. <...> The importance of family as a place of forming future character of person is determined by the fact that in family human spends sizeable part of his life and in comparison to other institutes of human behavior the duration of being in family is considerably longer. <...> Family might be viewed as collectivity, consisting of close people (usually relatives), which plays the most important, durable and fundamental role in upbringing of potential person. <...> However, this collectivity might influence the character not only in positive but also in negative way. <...> No one cares and loves a child more than mother, father or other members of the family, what certainly provides positive impact, however none of the institutions may provide as much negative impact as family. <...> The way that parents behave in the family and their relation to each other might have total effects on the behavior of the little person, as parents unconsciously provide patterns of behavior to their children. <...> Thus, peoplesbehavior and character are usually close or identical to the ones of their parents. <...> There comes an issue of maximizing positive and minimizing negative effects of the family in bringing the child up. <...> It is essential in such case to determine social and psychological factors, which have educational value in the family. <...> Several principles of communication are developed between a child and adults: 1. <...> Congruity, which supposes adequate attitude of the adult to the happening situation; 2. <...> Empathy, which supposes that adult person looks and feels the situation or problem with the angle of a child. <...> Every parent sees the realization of his own ideals in the child, the continuance of generation, and that is why parents try to give best qualities of their own and new ones to their children, however <...>