Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638984)
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Первый авторHelin Ye
АвторыJuan Dou
АннотацияHumans live on the earth that features a diverse ecosystem. In this environment of human beings, nature plays the role of a nurturing mother role. Time may be in the continuation of progress from generation to generation, and the nature of other kinds of billions of biological species, would also be like humans, in constant evolution, in order to adapt to the dangerous natural environment. However, those natural resources are sharply disappearing and dying out because of humans’ voracity. In the 21st century, how to protect the ecological environment and the rational use of natural resources have become the serious issues that human beings must solve.
Helin, Y. PROTECTION OF THE ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES / Y. Helin, Dou Juan // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности .— 2014 .— №3 .— С. 19-23 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/417406 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

PROTECTION OF THE ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Ye Helin, Dou Juan Lanzhou city University Lanzhou, Gansu, China 730070 Humans live on the earth that features a diverse ecosystem. <...> In this environment of human beings, nature plays the role of a nurturing mother role. <...> Time may be in the continuation of progress from generation to generation, and the nature of other kinds of billions of biological species, would also be like humans, in constant evolution, in order to adapt to the dangerous natural environment. <...> In the 21st century, how to protect the ecological environment and the rational use of natural resources have become the serious issues that human beings must solve. <...> Natural resources are the basis and the subject matter of the ecosystem. <...> Forests, grasslands, farmland, wetland biological resources constitute the four life ecosystems; and air, water, energy and mineral resources constitute the three major environmental and ecological systems. <...> Although China is rich in natural resources and ecological resources, it is still faced with resource constraints and confronts with a plight where its ecological environment becomes more tense and fragile [1]. <...> For the forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, farmland ecosystem, wetland ecosystem, we should intensify the implementation of conservation as well as the effective management. <...> Compared with other terrestrial ecosystems, forest ecosystems have the largest amount of biological species, and it possesses most complicated natural structures. <...> Besides, it owns relatively vigorous energy conversion and matter cycle and biggest biological productivity and the existing maximum amount, which characterizes higher degree of stability and strongest ecosystem of ecological benefits. <...> As a huge ecological community, forest ecosystems resist wind, conserve clear water and soil regulate climate, purify the atmosphere and protect other surrounding ecosystems. <...> Therefore, maintaining the ecological balance as well as improving the living environment of mankind should be considered as the primary roles that forest ecosystem plays. <...> In the descriptions of the diverse forest ecosystem management at home and abroad [2—5], the “new forestry” theory proposed by Franklin became the main basis of the current forest ecosystem management knowledge. <...> In the future, “new forestry” will gradually develop into an integration of natural resource management <...>