Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638238)
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Первый авторPalagin
АннотацияProcess model of Project Management is inefficient without well tuned Quality Management System and developed competences of the project team. The development of Green Construction function should be done on the base of integration of methodologies under approach of Eurasian Project Management Standard in cooperation with others components of Corporative Project Management System.
Palagin, V.S. ACTUAL CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE GREEN INDUSTIAL CONSTRUCTION / V.S. Palagin // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности .— 2014 .— №3 .— С. 8-11 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/417404 (дата обращения: 07.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

GREEN BUILDING: BEST PRACTICES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT TEAMS ACTUAL CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE GREEN INDUSTIAL CONSTRUCTION V.S. Palagin United Chemical Company, LLC Dinmukhamed Kunaev street, 8, block B, 34 floor, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000 Process model of Project Management is inefficient without well tuned Quality Management System and developed competences of the project team. <...> The development of Green Construction function should be done on the base of integration of methodologies under approach of Eurasian Project Management Standard in cooperation with others components of Corporative Project Management System. <...> Key words: Project Management, Green Construction, Eurasian Project Management Standard, Kazakhstan, Chemical Industry. <...> Realization of investment projects industry meets various challenges, such as instable world economy, complicated technologies, sophisticated value creating chains, controversial stakeholder’s expectations, lack of competences in new borne project teams etc. <...> Many of them have direct or collateral effects in the ecological risks. <...> The challenges created by such risks require special carefulness in organization of PM and project team’s development in the Green Construction paradigm. <...> The universal Project Management model [1; 2] doesn’t speak at all about special issues of ecology and supposes that every project team will manage it independently with help of actual legislation. <...> Understanding of the fact has brought to the life the special version of Project Management process model for Construction projects [3]. <...> The model has, between others inclusions, special process “Management of Project Management Environment”, which includes such components as Environment Protection Planning, Environment Protection Realization, Environment Control. 6 Palagin V.S. Actual challenges and solutions for project management in the green industrial construction Fig. 1. <...> Standards Inputs and Configuration of for Management Systems of Green Industrial Construction Nevertheless, the detailed business process regulation itself doesn’t guarantee the really efficient excellent realization if the project has no efficient Total Quality Management (TQM) system. <...> It’s worth to mark that external environment of investment projects in Kazakhstan enjoys relatively high level of managers’ development, legislative <...>