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Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Философия  / №3 2014

DO IS IT NECESSARY TO RESIST TO THE EVIL BY FORCE? (on the foundation of humanistic policy) (80,00 руб.)

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Первый авторNizhnikov
АннотацияIn this research reveals possible variants of the correlation between violence and nonviolence in politics: especially Machiavelli's idea (only the good political end justifies any means), Machiavellianism (the end justifies any means), humanistic (the good end can be achieved only by good methods), and pacifist (non-resistance to evil by force — L. Tolstoy) concepts. The basic difference between the specified variants of understanding the correlation between morality and politics in humanistic and pacifist version is established. In the article stresses that the pacifist non-resistant variant is immoral. Asserts that global problems, both international and domestic ones, can be solved only based on the humanistic nonviolence policy: nonresistance to evil by violence, which does not exclude resistance to evil by force and sometimes even requires it. Its principles revealed in the “axial time” suggested by the world religions and philosophy and developed by I. Kant, F. Dostoevsky, M. Gandhi, M.L. King, etc.
Nizhnikov, S.A. DO IS IT NECESSARY TO RESIST TO THE EVIL BY FORCE? (on the foundation of humanistic policy) / S.A. Nizhnikov // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Философия .— 2014 .— №3 .— С. 95-103 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/415135 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

DO IS IT NECESSARY TO RESIST TO THE EVIL BY FORCE? (on the foundation of humanistic policy) S.A. Nizhnikov History of Philosophy Chair Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklay str., 10a, Moscow, Russia, 117198 In this research reveals possible variants of the correlation between violence and nonviolence in politics: especially Machiavelli's idea (only the good political end justifies any means), Machiavellianism (the end justifies any means), humanistic (the good end can be achieved only by good methods), and pacifist (non-resistance to evil by force — L. Tolstoy) concepts. <...> The basic difference between the specified variants of understanding the correlation between morality and politics in humanistic and pacifist version is established. <...> Asserts that global problems, both international and domestic ones, can be solved only based on the humanistic nonviolence policy: nonresistance to evil by violence, which does not exclude resistance to evil by force and sometimes even requires it. <...> Its principles revealed in the “axial time” suggested by the world religions and philosophy and developed by I. Kant, F. Dostoevsky, M. Gandhi, M.L. King, etc. <...> In Kant’s opinion, it is only morality that makes a man a person, homo sapiens. <...> Yet politics is commonly considered to be outside morality nowadays. <...> Isaiah Berlin has understood it perfectly, as he considers that political theory is a branch of moral philosophy, which starts from applying moral categories to political relations [4. <...> We shall try to examine two variants of the relations between morality and politics: humanistic policy and conception of Pacifism. <...> First of all it is Machiavelli's variant, which may be formulated as follows: only a good political end justifies all the means. <...> Thus, Machiavelli writes about a political figure as follows, “Let his actions be blamed, if they are justified by their results, and he will always be justified, if the results turn out to be good.” [8. <...> It has turned out that 93 Вестник РУДН, серия Философия, 2014, № 3 Machiavelli regards the state as a guarantee of securing man’s life, freedom, and citizens’ property” [1. <...> The second variant may be named <...>