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Сухие строительные смеси

Сухие строительные смеси №4 2017 (422,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2007 г.
Сухие строительные смеси .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2017 .— №4 .— 50 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/358500 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

s u m m a r y MATERIALS Five reasons to choose TM FORMAN domestic market for the production of dry construction mixtures meeting all modern environmental standards. The article deals with the competitive properties of gypsum used in dry construction mixes (p. 10). TM FORMAN is one of the leaders of the paving and pavement clinker Modern cobbles, paving clinker and natural TUBAG – long-term system of cobbles С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса ..................................... 6 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Пять причин выбрать ТМ FORMAN .................................... 10 TUBAG – долговечная система мощения брусчатки и тротуарного клинкера ................................................... 12 Расширение линейки продуктов «Акватрон» .................... 14 Коровяков В.Ф. Водостойкие гипсовые вяжущие нового поколения ............................................................ 17 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Денисов Г.А. Техногенные отходы – сырьевая база строительства................................................................... 21 Кузьмина В.П. Опытно-промышленные испытания механоактивированных пигментов под общим названием рецептур «Колорит» для организации производства порошковых механоактивированных красок .............................................................................. 25 Литвиненко С.В., Поташев М.Г., Балмасов Г.Ф. К вопросу о трещиностойкости гипсовых штукатурок на газобетонных основаниях........................ 30 СОБЫТИЯ Копылов И.А. SOLIDS-2017 – итоги и перспективы .......... 39 Кузьмина В.П. О некоторых итогах конференции «БизнесЦем-2017» ......................................................... 43 stone are unique color of luxury in the improvement of any territory. Whether it’s a city square or a cottage’s walkways – these materials are attached exploited surfaces of the spirit of an enduring centuries-old classic, which is always relevant. They are an absolute symbol of reliability, eternity and prestige. With only one «but» – if the correct technology of paving is observed (p. 12). new products of the brand Aquatron, intended for repair and restoration of building structures (p. 14). Expansion of the Aquatron product line The review presents brief descriptions of ers of the new generation Article informs that scientists of Moscow Korovyakov V.F. Waterproof gypsum bindState University of civil engineering created waterproof gypsum binders of a new generation – composite gypsum binders of low water demand. The technology of their production is based on the achievements in the field of mechanic and chemical activation of materials, which makes it possible to obtain a qualitatively new level of material properties, previously not achieved (p. 17). material base of construction TECHNOLOGIES Denisov G.A. Technogenic waste is a raw Author raises the issue of effective utilization of ash and slag materials in the article. For example, the technology of introducing 100-200 kg of active ash per 1 м3 makes it possible to save up to 100 kg of cement. Slag sand is suitable for the replacement of natural sand, and slag crushed stone as a large aggregate. Application of ashes improves the molding properties of concrete and dissolving mixtures and the quality of the surface of products, reduces the density and heat conductivity of concrete, which is especially important for light and cellular concrete (p. 21). of concrete Kuzmina V.P. Pilot-industrial testing of mechanic activated pigments under
s u m m a r y the common formula name «Kolorit» for powder mechanical activated paints production Powder coating is an economical way to create high-quality protective or decorative coating. The popularity of the method is due to its versatility, as this type of processing does not require a lot of experience and it is an effective one on a variety of surfaces. It is included a coloring of bricks or a road marking. The using of mechanical activated pigments in this technology allows you reduce the temperature of solidification, to increase adhesion and hardness of coatings, as well as corrosion resistance (p. 25). Litvinenko S.V., Potashev M.G., Balmasov G.F. On the problem of crack resistance of gypsum plasters on aerated concrete bases from aerated concrete often leads to the appearance of cracks, which can be either single or occupy a significant portion of the treated surface. The various ways to combat cracking, used by manufacturers of gypsum plasters, do not always give a reliable result. The original method of quantitative evaluation of crack resistance of gypsum plasters is presented in the article. Based on this method, the effect of various additives on cracking is considered. Data on the effect of different manufacturers on the amount of gypsum cracking are presented. On an example of separate manufactures it is shown as cracking of plasters depending on a lot of the released gypsum can change. The influence of primers of various compositions on the possibility of preventing cracking of gypsum plasters on a gas-concrete base is considered. Recommendations are given on ways to eliminate cracking (p. 30). Plastering with gypsum plaster surfaces prospects EVENTS Kopylov I.A. SOLIDS-2017 – results and The exhibition «SOLIDS-2017 Bulk materials» was successfully held in Moscow. Publishing house «Komposit XXI vek» as its constant information partner represents some companies-participants of the show (p. 39). Kuzmina V.P. About some results of the «BusinessCam-2017» conference XXVIII International conference and exhibition «Cement Industry and Market – BusinessCem Moscow 2017» was held in the President Hotel. Vera Kuzmina, technical expert of the Union of Manufacturers of Dry Building Mixtures comments on some of the results of this event (p. 43). C O N T E N T S Construction Industry In Focus .............................................. 6 MATERIALS Five reasons to choose TM FORMAN .................................... 10 TUBAG – long-term system of cobbles paving and pavement clinker ............................................................... 12 Expansion of the Aquatron product line ................................ 14 Korovyakov V.F. Waterproof gypsum binders of the new generation......................................................................... 17 TECHNOLOGIES Denisov G.A. Technogenic waste is a raw material base of construction .................................................................. 21 Kuzmina V.P. Pilot-industrial testing of mechanic activated pigments under the common formula name «Kolorit» for powder mechanical activated paints production ........................................................................ 25 Litvinenko S.V., Potashev M.G., Balmasov G.F. On the problem of crack resistance of gypsum plasters on aerated concrete bases ..................................... 30 EVENTS Kopylov I.A. SOLIDS-2017 – results and prospects ............... 39 Kuzmina V.P. About some results of the «BusinessCam-2017» conference ............................ 43

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