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Культура и национальное самосознание Европы (190,00 руб.)

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Первый авторПантюхина Татьяна Викторовна
Издательствоизд-во СКФУ
АннотацияПрактикум содержит темы практических занятий, сопровождающиеся заданиями для контроля. Практикум предназначен для студентов направления подготовки 030600,68 - История, магистерская программа "Всемирная история".
Кому рекомендованоПрактикум предназначен для студентов направления подготовки 030600,68 - История, магистерская программа "Всемирная история".
Пантюхина, Т. В. Культура и национальное самосознание Европы : практикум на английском языке : Направление подготовки 030600.68 – История. Профиль подготовки «Мировая история». Магистратура / Т. В. Пантюхина .— Ставрополь : изд-во СКФУ, 2014 .— 99 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/304168 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 008(075.8)111 ББК63.3-7я73 © FSAEI HPE «North-Caucasus Federal University», 2014 2 PREFACE The course National and Cultural awareness in Modern Europe is designed in order to provide an introduction to the nature, causes and consequences of identity as a collective phenomenon. <...> The elements of the course cover the theory of individual, group, and national identities formation; the debate over “new” and “old Europe”; cultural practices of Europe; media presentations; and public and elite perceptions. <...> The target competences will be developed through comprehensive study of key issues of culture and national identity in modern Europe. <...> The focus throughout will be on topical issues shaping European national and cultural awareness such as the impacts of immigration and attitudes towards migrants, European „enlargement‟ and the cultural politics of identity experienced by contemporary Europeans. <...> Finally, the course will consider how the past operates in the present to re-shape Europe as a political space and a category of identity, examining the significance of Europe‟s relationship with 3 others outside the European region, the legacy of conflict between member states and the challenges offered by globalization to contemporary understandings of „Europe‟. <...> Therefore, courses from Humanities, Social Studies and Economics cycle: Culture Studies and Sociology – are prerequisites as well. <...> Upon completion of the course the learner is supposed to: know: – key historical moments in the formation of modern European States and the European Union; – major political, social, intellectual movements and cultural achievements which have shaped European nation states; – different dimensions of the European integration process; – Pluralistic approaches to European identity; – contemporary methodological approaches and methods of a historical research (PC-13). – contemporary ethnic and cultural processes in European countries under the conditions of globalization. be able to: – apply concepts, theories, and methodologies from political science, history, social & and cultural studies to one’s research work; – analyze and interpret social, cultural, ethnic and political factors of historical development, particularly in contemporary period of Western civilization; analyze and interpret the significance of a “human factor” in history of world civilizations (PC-17); – cooperate with representatives of other fields of science for solving research and applied tasks (PC-6); – apply modern approaches to historical research (PC-5). – evaluate different forms of evidence and political, historical and sociological arguments. 5 <...>
УДК 008(075.8)111 ББК 63.3-7я73 П 16 Published according to the Resolution of Educational Commission of North-Caucasus Federal University Reviewers: Doctor of sciences in History, professor A. K. Kiselev, Ph. D in History, associate professor I. A. Korobkina Pantyukhina T. V. National and Cultural Awareness in Modern Europe: course handbook for Master program students. – Stavropol: NCFU Publishing House, 2014. – 99 p. Пантюхина Т. В. П 16 Культура и национальное самосознание Европы: практикум на английском языке. – Ставрополь: Изд-во СКФУ, 2014. – 99 с. The course handbook contains themes of practicals with outlines, learner’s guides, lists of recommended reading and Internet resources. Each theme is followed by assignments for control and development of competences. The course handbook is designed for Master program students, area of study: 030600.68 – History, Master program: World History. УДК 008(075.8)111 ББК63.3-7я73 © FSAEI HPE «North-Caucasus Federal University», 2014 2
CONTENT PREFACE……………………………………………………… 3 THEMES OF PRACTICALS…………………………………. 7 Practical # 1. Ethno-symbolism by Anthony D. Smith……… 7 Practical # 2. Multiculturalism in Europe……………………… 15 Practical # 3. Multiculturalism in public and political discourse in EU Member States………………………………………….. 21 Practical # 4. Factors of European identity construction: migration………………………………………………………. 28 Practical # 5. Negative factors of European identity construction……………………………………………………. 36 Practical # 6. European identity building process……………... 52 Practical # 7. Cultural diversity of Europe…………………….. 63 Practical # 8. “Unity in diversity”: Cultural commonality of European nations and cultural pluralism of the continent….. 81 Practical # 9. National identity vs European identity………….. 89 SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION……………… 96 98