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АвторыЧепак Ольга Александровна, Аюшеева Марина Глебовна, Каурова Елена Михайловна
АннотацияВ данном сборнике опубликованы статьи студентов БГУ, БФ ИрГУПС, БФ МЭСИ, ЗабГУ, Пермского института экономики и финансов, посвященные исследованию актуальных проблем юриспруденции. Сборник адресован студентам юридических факультетов и широкому кругу читателей.
ПРАВОВОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ : МАТЕРИАЛЫ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЙ СТУДЕНЧЕСКОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ г. Улан-Удэ, 18 октября 2013 г. / ред.: О.А. Чепак [и др.] .— : [Б.и.], 2013 .— 189 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/292295 (дата обращения: 01.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Улан-Удэ The article is devoted to the problems of a new phenomenon in Russian legal system, i.e juvenile delinquency. <...> The author tells about different theories concerning the reasons of children’s antisocial behavior and suggests ways of preventing youth crime. <...> Juvenile delinquency is a legal term for the behavior of the children and adolescents who will be treated as criminals when they grow up. <...> Youth crime is disproportionately committed by young men. <...> As far as situation in Russia is concerned the question of juvenile delinquency is much regulated by the resolution of the plenum of Russian Supreme court (14 February, 2000) “Court Practice Concerning the Juvenile Delinquency.” The youth are the most criminally affected group of people. <...> Another law regulating this sphere is the federal law “The basis of the prevention system of neglect and juvenile delinquency.” According to this law the responsibility to place the youth in foundling hospitals is put on courts. <...> It touches upon limitation of the presence of youth in public places at night time. <...> Режим доступа: http://en.ria.ru/russia/20100713/159796832.html. 5  Constitutions of the USA and the Russian Federation: Similarities and Differences © А. <...> Улан-Удэ The article analyzes the constitutions of two countries: the USA and the Russian Federation. <...> The constitutions of the United States and the Russian Federation were written half a world and more than two hundred years apart. <...> A constitution is defined as the system of fundamental laws and principles of government, society, corporation, etc., written n unwritten [2, 299]. <...> Generally the constitution of every nation addresses itself to the same basic issues: the government, authority, the relationship between the government and its citizens, protection of the rights of the citizenry and so on. <...> As we remember the American constitution was drafted in 1787, shortly after the Revolutionary War. <...> The American constitution was drafted as an arm’s-length agreement among these thirteen newly independent states. <...> The drafters of the Constitution of the Russian Federation faced a strikingly different political problem. <...> The people who drafted the Russian constitution in the summer and autumn of 1993 were motivated by the threat that the federation would fall apart. <...> The drafters’ response was to craft a constitution that, firstly, clearly declared federal supremacy over the constituent provinces and regions; then gave the presidency great power; and finally contained numerous explicit guarantees <...>
УДК 340.1 ББК 67.021 П 685 Ответственный редактор О.А. Чепак, кандидат социологических наук, доцент Редакционная коллегия М.Г. Аюшеева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент; Д.С. Цыренова, старший преподаватель; Е.М. Каурова, кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель; Н.В. Новосельцева, преподаватель; М.В. Черниговский, ассистент; С.К. Данчинова, преподаватель; А.Н. Базарова, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент; Д.Б. Цыбикова, преподаватель; О.Ф. Золтоева, кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель; Т.Б. Савинова, ассистент; Т.В. Тонтоева, ассистент. П 685 Правовое пространство в современном мире: материалы международной научно-практической cтуденческой конференции (г. Улан-Удэ, 18 октября 2013 г.) / отв. ред. О.А. Чепак. – Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета, 2013. – 188 с. В данном сборнике опубликованы статьи студентов БГУ, БФ ИрГУПС, БФ МЭСИ, ЗабГУ, Пермского института экономики и финансов, посвященные исследованию актуальных проблем юриспруденции. Сборник адресован студентам юридических факультетов и широкому кругу читателей. Legal Space in the Modern World: materials of the international students research conference (Ulan-Ude, October 18, 2013) / resp. ed. O.A. Chepak. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University Publishing Department, 2013. – 188 p. The collected book presents materials of reports of the international students’ research conference. The reports discover urgent legal problems in different countries. The articles are addressed to the students of law departments and abroad range of readers. © Бурятский госуниверситет, 2013
Содержание Предисловие………………………………………………………………………. 3 SECTION 1. PROBLEMS OF LAW IN ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES AND RUSSIA……………………………………………………... 4 Будаева Э. Juvenile Delinquency in Russia………………………………………. 4 Дондоков А. Constitutions of the USA and the Russian Federation: Similarities and Differences…………………………………………………………………….. 6 Будаева И. Civil Rights in the USA: Law and History…………………………… 9 Понкинова М. The right to life under the Russian and Chinese Constitutions……. 11 Цыренова C. Movement of African-American Civil Rights in the USA…………. Чимитдоржиева В. А. Protection of children from adverse Internet information 14 15 Рампилова А. Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System in the Russian Federation…………………………………………………………………………... 18 Шевцова В.А. The Issues on the Yellow Press Legislation in the United States and Russia………………………………………………………………………….......... 21 Галецкая Г.С. Struggle against corruption in Russia and China…………………... 25 Прокопьева Р.А. The Issues on the Freedom of Speech in the USA and Russia…. Цыбикова О. The possibility of legalization of weapons in the Russian Federation 31 Баннова Ю. Death Penalty: Pros and Cons ………………………………………. 26 33 Южикова Е.А. The Problems of Child Abuse in Russia and the USA……………. 37 Булсунаев А.Г. The Copyright Protection Issues in the United States and Russia.... 40 Раднаев В. The Unwritten Constitution of Great Britain………………………….. 43 Журавлёва Е.Е. The Particularities of the Law Journalism in the United States and Russia…………………………………………………………………………... 45 Салихов Р.Н. The International Terrorism Issues………………………………… 49 Фёдоров А.К. Some Issues on the Laws on Alcohol Goods Selling and Realization in the USA and Russia…………………………………………………. 53 Пылденова И. Mass Media Law of the People’s Republic of China……………… 57 Батуева Д.В. The Issues on the Smoking Ban in Public Рlaces in the United States and Russia…………………………………………………………………… 60 Федотова А.В. The Journalist Investigations in the Legal Aspect in the United States of America and in Russia……………………………………………………. 63 Казарикина Е.В. The Notion of the Mass-Information Law……………………… 66 Линник C.А. The Internet Crimes Regulations in the USA and in Russia………… 69 Петров Е. Railway Security Provision…………………………………………… 72 Саттарова Н.Р. The Journalist’s Rights and Responsibilities of Journalists in the United States and Russia……………………………………………………….. 75 Цыренов Ж. The legal position of the child in Russia and the United Kingdom (England)…………………………………………………………………………… 77 Меликова С., Алиева А. Inclusive Education Legislation in Russia……………… 80 SECTION 2. RECHTPROBLEME IN DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN LAENDERN……………………………………………………………………….. 83 Кобылкина Т.А. Die Euthanasie in Deutschland und Russland…………………... 83 Комарова Е.Д. Korruption in Russland und Deutschland………………………… 87 Цыренжапова Н.Б. Das moderne Wirtschaftssystem in Deutschland und Russland: Folgen der Finanzkrise…………………………………………………... 89
Черных Н.А. Jugendorganisationen in Deutschland………………………………. 97 SECTION 3. PROBLEMS OF LAW IN EASTERN COUNTRIES…………… 103 Быкова Е. The Development of Civil Society in China ………………………...... Уртнасанхуу Буяндэлгэр. The Рroblem of Сorruption in Mongolia……………... 104 Турганбаева Ю. The International Law…………………………………………... Жамбалова Э. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration Process from China to Russia……………………………………………………………………. 103 107 108 Гылыпкылова Б. The Policy of Expansion and Contraction Intergovernmental Relations……………………………………………………………………………. 112 Саранина А. The Constitution of the Russian Federation………………………… 114 Зоригт Алтаншагай. The Mongolian Political System Peculiarities…………….. 115 Лосева А. Ю. The Particularities of Banking System of China…………………… 118 Николаева А. The Benefits of Studying for Chinese Students in Russia………….. 122 Тимофеева А. The Features of the Death Penalty in China………………………. 124 Чагдурова А. The History of International Relations between China and Mongolia……………………………………………………………………………. 127 Доржиева А. On the Legal Status of “Altanbulag” Free Trade Zone…………….. 129 Загузина Е.Г. Advantages and disadvantages of Internet censorship in China…… 132 Бальжинимаева Ц. China's Economic Cooperation with Russia………………… 136 Попова М.Г. Comparative and Legal Aspects of Copyright Law: Russia and China………………………………………………………………………………... 138 Цыденова А. The Background and Ways to Reform the System of Higher Education through the Prism of the Updated Model of Social Control…………….. 141 Доржиева Е.А. The Treaty of Kyakhta (1915)…………………………………… 143 Алиева О.А. The USA Factor in the Relationship between Russia and China …… 146 Мустафаев А. The Features of China's Economic Development………………… 151 Маркарян Л.В. The Interrelation of Concepts "The Housing Rights Protection" and " a Form of Housing Rights Protection".............................................................. 153 Берельтуева М. The Development of Confucius Institutes in Russia……………. 155 Гордиевская Л. The Development of Relations between Russia and China………. 157 Болотова О. The Migration Process in the Republic of Korea…………………… 159 Максарова Р. China's Expansion in Russia……………………………………….. 162 Ефимова Н. Partner’s Relationship between China and Russia…………………... 164 Дашиев Д. The Features of Economic Development and Tourism in China……… 166 Чимитдоржиева В. Legal Status of Foreign Students (Russia and China)……… 168 Цырендашиева А. The Features of the Development of Freedom Speech in China 170 Халматова А. China and International Law……………………………………... 172 Галецкая Г.С. The Cooperation between China and Russia in the Spheres of Education and Culture……………………………………………………………… 175 Содномов Э. The History of the Development of Diplomatic Russia and China Relations……………………………………………………………………………. 176 Шойбонова С. 2000-2010 Russia-Mongolia relations…………………………… 179 Санжижапов Р-Д. Russia, Mongolia and China: Development Prospect of three Way Relationship…………………………………………………………………... 183
Научное издание ПРАВОВОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЙ СТУДЕНЧЕСКОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ Улан-Удэ, 18 октября 2013 г. В авторской редакции Компьютерная верстка Т.В. Тонтоевой Св-во о государственной аккредитации № 1289 от 23 декабря 2011 г. Подписано в печать 12.12.2013 г. Формат 60х84/16. Усл. печ. л. 10,52. Уч.-изд.л. 8,95. Тираж 50. Заказ № 688. Цена договорная Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета 670000, Улан-Удэ, ул. Смолина, 24 а riobsu@gmail.com Отпечатано в типографии Бурятского госуниверситета, 670000, Улан-Удэ, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3 а