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UNESCO Information for All Programme in Russia (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыКоллектив авторов
ИздательствоМежрегиональный центр библиотечного сотрудничества
АннотацияПроекты межправительственной программы ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех» широко применяются в России. В документе рассмотрены вопросы свободного доступа к информации каждого человека, формированию электронных библиотек в учреждениях культуры, образовательных институтах, библиотеках, в том числе обобщается российский опыт по формированию системы доступа к культурному и научному наследию.
Кому рекомендованоДля руководителей органов государственной власти, специалистов информационной сферы, работников учреждений культуры, преподавателей высших и средних учебных заведений.
UNESCO Information for All Programme in Russia / Коллектив авторов .— : Межрегиональный центр библиотечного сотрудничества, 2004 .— 22 с. — На англ. яз.; сост.: Кузьмин Е., Демидов А.; пер. с рус. яз.: Буткова Т. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/133844 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The Russian President’s visit to our headquarters gave UNESCO-Russia partnership an unheard-of impetus. <...> The Information for All Pro gramme provides a framework for international co-operation and inter national and regional partnerships. <...> It supports the development of com mon strategies, methods and tools for building a just and free information society and for narrowing the gap between the information rich and the information poor. <...> We fully share the UNESCO stance on the promotion and development of the civilization dialogue. <...> Today, Russia possesses all resources it needs for a more dynamic participation as ambitious projects are implemented under the aegis of UNESCO, the Council of Europe and other interna tional organizations. <...> Vladimir Putin, President of Russia The Information for All Programme is a key element in the fulfillment of UNESCO’s mandate to contribute to “education for all”, to the “free ex change of ideas and knowledge” and to “increase the means of communication between peoples”. ernmental Informatics Programme. <...> The very name of the new programme, Information for All, is indicative of a global evolution – a problem previ ously assessed as predominantly tech nological has come to be viewed as humanitarian-even humanist. <...> Man not The programme emerged in technology-not even information itself2000 with a merger of two essential ought to dominate new global informa UNESCO programmes of the two tion policies. previous decades: the General Infor Progress of human-oriented infor mation Programme, and the Intergovmation policies, aimed to develop the human potential, knowledge and hab its, is the Programme core because it depends on man which way the entire human race and every particular country and nation takes. <...> The Programme has a twofold mes sage-promotion of an active discussion on political, ethical and societal prob lems of the emergent global informa tion society, and implementing practi cal programmes with the opportunities of information and communication technologies to form that society, Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, UNESCO Di rector-General, said in an address to the 5th international conference, The Law and Internet, which Moscow was hosting, November 25-26, 2003. 2 IFAP National Committee of Russia The Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Pro gramme was established, 2001, on rec ommendations of the Intergovernmental Council for IFAP and resolution of the Russian Commission for UNESCO. <...> Represented on the Committee are gov ernment bodies, educational, research <...>
Table of Contents An intergovernmental Programme of UNESCO ................................................... 2 IFAP National Committee of Russia ..................................................................... 3 The Russian model of universal accessto information of public domain .....................5 Personal information culture promotion by libraries and educational institutions ........7 Observatory of the Information Society: Russian Segment ...................................... 9 Digital library project, Meeting of Frontiers: Russia-Kazakhstan ............................. 10 Project AntiSpam ................................................................................................ 11 Project Digital Helikon ......................................................................................... 12 Information and Publishing ................................................................................... 13 Participation in international and national events ..................................................... 15