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If These Bodies Could Talk. True Tales of a Medical Examiner (3120,00 руб.)

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Первый авторРешетун Алексей
ИздательствоМ.: Альпина Паблишер
АннотацияВ этом новом выпуске я расскажу о многих типах инструментов, которые мы используем на работе. У каждого из них есть определенная цель. Я также расскажу о том, что мы делаем в лаборатории, об эксгумациях, мотоциклетных травмах, расчленении и ятрогенезе и, наконец, о некоторых моих любимых учениках.
Решетун, А. . If These Bodies Could Talk. True Tales of a Medical Examiner / А. . Решетун .— Москва : Альпина Паблишер, 2022 .— 289 с. — ISBN 978-5-9614-7201-1 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/809605 (дата обращения: 14.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Alpina 4th Magistralnaya 5, bld. 1 Offi ce 159–169 123007, Moscow, Russia International@alpina.ru Copyright © 2021 by Alexey Reshetun Managing Editor: Marina Krasavina Project Editor: Natalia Pepelina Translator: Sonja Swenson- Khalchenia Copyeditor: Kevin Bridge Proofreaders: Karen O’Donnell, Beth Dymond Cover design: Yuri Buga All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review. Printed in Russian Federation ISBN 978-5-9614-7201-1
Contents Foreword to the New Edition ......................................................... 9 Introduction .................................................................................. 11 PAR ART ONE ONE Laying the Groundwork .................................................................. 15 1. What Exactly Is Forensic Medicine? ............................................ 17 2. Just Who Is a Medical Examiner? .............................................. 22 3. Pathologist or Medical Examiner? What Is Similar, What Is Not ...... 28 4. To Cut or Not to Cut? That Is the Question ................................. 32 PAR TWOART TWO The Professional .......................................................................... 39 1. Our Tools .............................................................................. 41 2. Put On Your Lab Coat ............................................................. 49 When the Cure Is Worse Than the Disease .................................. 60 Land of the Living .................................................................. 67 5. Student Life .......................................................................... 76 3. 4. PAR ART THREE THREE Working With the Dead ................................................................. 85 1. Phenomena of Phenomena ...................................................... 87 2. Examining a Body: Expectations and Realities ............................. 94 3. Exhumation ......................................................................... 107
PAR ART FOUR FOUR Trauma .......................................................................................... 121 1. A Bat, a Hammer, a Stick, and Other Ways to Die: Blunt Hard Objects ................................................................ 123 2. Forks Over Knives: One Hole versus Five — Sharp Instruments and the Wounds They Leave Behind ......................................... 129 3. Buckle Up for Safety, Buckle Up! .............................................. 136 4. Gunshots and Explosions in Times of Peace ............................... 145 5. Mass Casualty Incidents ......................................................... 152 6. Off with Her Head! ............................................................... 159 PAR Asphyxiation ................................................................................ 165 Hanging: Fact and Fiction ....................................................... 167 Strangulation: “Eventually, It All Comes to Light” ....................... 173 ART F VE 1. 2. 3. Death in the Water: Sometimes It Is Drowning, Sometimes It Is Not ............................................................... 177 4. There’s No Life without Air ..................................................... 184 5. Warning! Choking Hazard ...................................................... 187 PAR ART S X SIXI Heat and Electricity .................................................................... 193 1. Fair Heat Breaks No Bones ...................................................... 195 2. The Cold Never Bothered Me, Anyway ...................................... 201 3. I Am in Shock ..................................................................... 205 PAR ART SEVEN SEVEN Drugs and Alcohol ...................................................................... 209 1. Drink Like a Fish .................................................................... 211 2. Say No to Drugs! ................................................................... 216 PAR ART E GHT EIGHTI Children ....................................................................................... 221 1. Cannibal Parents ................................................................... 223 You Are Going to Poke an Eye Out! ..........................................226 3. Parental Neglect ...................................................................229 2. FIVEI
PAR Disease ........................................................................................ 239 Sudden Death: Cardiovascular Diseases .................................... 241 2. Cancers ............................................................................... 245 Tuberculosis and HIV ............................................................ 249 ART N NE 1. 3. NINEI PAR ART TEN TEN Myths .......................................................................................... 253 1. Old Wives’ Tales ................................................................... 255 2. Worms and Fecal Stones ........................................................ 258 3. Smells ................................................................................. 261 PAR ART ELEVEN ELEVEN MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................... 265 1. Morgue-turned-abortion Clinic ................................................ 267 2. A Bad Neighborhood .............................................................270 Transgender and Intersex Cases ............................................... 272 Train and Quarry .................................................................. 274 5. A Funny Story ...................................................................... 277 6. Spirituality .......................................................................... 279 3. 4. Conclusion .................................................................................. 283 Notes........................................................................................... 285 Bibliography ............................................................................... 287

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