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The Electromagnetic Interference in the Electrical Power Supply Sjstem. The Long-Term Variance of the Voltage Specifications (200,00 руб.)

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Первый авторOlhovskiy Vladimir Ya.
АвторыMyateg Tatyana V., Atamanova Olga S.
ИздательствоИзд-во НГТУ
АннотацияOne of the main tasks of the manual is to consolidate the theoretical material studied by the students in the first term of the Master Program. The manual also includes the issues of electromagnetic compatibility in electrical supply systems with the object under study – the interaction of the system «power supply network – consumer». It allows a student to better understand the physical processes running not only during the interaction of consumer power supply systems and power networks but also during the processes of consumerʼs interactions. The authors analyze the quality of consumer electrical power supply on the basis of the system operating conditions in accordance with STANDART 32144-2013.
Кому рекомендованоThe introduced manual is aimed at theoretical and practical training of master students in «Power Engineering» discipline (13.04.02. – Electrical Power Industry and Electrical Engineering).
Olhovskiy, V. Ya. The Electromagnetic Interference in the Electrical Power Supply Sjstem. The Long-Term Variance of the Voltage Specifications : [study guide] / T.V. Myateg, O.S. Atamanova; V. Ya. Olhovskiy .— Новосибирск : Изд-во НГТУ, 2019 .— 66 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7782-3936-4 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/774463 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 621.311.018.33.78:658.26 O-567 Reviewer: PhD (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. D.A. Pavluchenko PhD (Phil.), Assoc. Prof. A.I. Bochkarev Systems Department, the Department of Foreign Languages of Engineering Faculties The manual was prepared by the Electrical Power Supply O-567 The Electromagnetic Interference in the Electrical Power Supply System. The long-term variance of the voltage specifications: study guide / Vladimir Ya. Olhovskiy, Tatyana V. Myateg, Olga S. Atamanova. – Novosibirsk: NSTU Publishers, 2019. – 66 p. Olhovskiy V.Ya. ISBN 978-5-7782-3936-4 The introduced manual is aimed at theoretical and practical training of master students in “Power Engineering” discipline (13.04.02. – Electrical Power Industry and Electrical Engineering). One of the main tasks of the manual is to consolidate the theoretical material studied by the students in the first term of the Master Program. The manual also includes the issues of electromagnetic compatibility in electrical supply systems with the object under study – the interaction of the system “power supply network – consumer”. It allows a student to better understand the physical processes running not only during the interaction of consumer power supply systems and power networks but also during the processes of consumerʼs interactions. The authors analyze the quality of consumer electrical power supply on the basis of the system operating conditions in accordance with STANDART 32144-2013. UDC 621.311.018.33.78:658.26 ISBN 978-5-7782-3936-4 © Vladimir Ya. Olhovskiy, Tatyana V. Myateg, Olga S. Atamanova, 2019 © Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2019
CONTENT Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4 1. Voltage Deviations ............................................................................................... 8 1.1. Main Definitions and Standards ..................................................................... 8 1.2. Estimation of Voltage Deviations .................................................................. 9 1.3. Techniques of Voltage Deviation Decrease ................................................. 10 1.4. The Influence of Voltage Deviations on Power Consumer Operation ......... 10 2. Voltage Fluctuations ........................................................................................... 12 2.1. Main Definitions and Standards ................................................................... 12 2.2. The Ways of Voltage Fluctuations Decrease in the Power Supply Systems ........................................................................................................ 17 3. Voltage Non-Sinusoidality .................................................................................. 19 3.1. The Main Definitions and Standards ............................................................ 19 3.2. The Currents Non-Sinusoidal of Nonlinear Loads ....................................... 22 3.3. Oscillograms of Some Non-linear Loads Currents ...................................... 23 3.4. Consumer Damage due to High Harmonics ................................................. 42 3.5. Rationing of High Harmonics ...................................................................... 47 3.6. The Ways of Voltage High Harmonics Decreasing ..................................... 49 4. Voltage Unbalance .............................................................................................. 51 4.1. The Main Definition and Norms .................................................................. 51 4.2. The Ways Voltage Unbalance Decreasing ................................................... 57 5. Frequency Deviation ........................................................................................... 61 5.1. The Main Definition and Standards ................................................................. 61 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 63 Reference ................................................................................................................ 64

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