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Первый авторMartyniuk
АннотацияThe article is written in the framework of the cognitive paradigm. It is devoted to the problem of text production and perception and aims at description of cognitive operations which the reader undertakes in the process of text interpretation. The study is based on the theory of biological nature of cognition. Therefore, a new approach to define the term “concept” is discussed. The work also investigates the transformations which the author’s individual concept undergoes in the process of reader’s interpretation. The approach gives possibility to make the conclusion that conceptualization is possible due to some dynamic connections – moduses of perception
Martyniuk, KseniiaV. CONCEPTUAL NETWORK AS A DYNAMIC COGNITIVE CONSTRUCT OF THE AUTHOR-READER INTERACTION / KseniiaV. Martyniuk // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 59-66 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581736 (дата обращения: 13.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 59-66 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81 Conceptual Network as a Dynamic Cognitive Construct of the Author-Reader Interaction Kseniia V. Martyniuk* Kemerovo State University 12 Kutuzova Str., Kemerovo, 654041, Russia Received 28.11.2016, received in revised form 02.12.2016, accepted 12.01.2017 The article is written in the framework of the cognitive paradigm. <...> It is devoted to the problem of text production and perception and aims at description of cognitive operations which the reader undertakes in the process of text interpretation. <...> The study is based on the theory of biological nature of cognition. <...> The work also investigates the transformations which the author’s individual concept undergoes in the process of reader’s interpretation. <...> The approach gives possibility to make the conclusion that conceptualization is possible due to some dynamic connections – moduses of perception. <...> Keywords: text perception and interpretation, concept, conceptual network, modus of perception. <...> Introduction The issues of text production and text perception are subject to modern up-to-date linguistic studies. <...> Although the cognitive paradigm establishes itself as predominating in linguistics, still the cognitive component of interaction between the Author and the Reader is to be studied more thoroughly. <...> We presuppose that an author’s text objectifies verbal representations of individual conceptual configurations which “trigger” individual concepts in the reader’s © Siberian Federal University. <...> Theoretical framework and methods The aim of creating a text is traditionally considered to be in objectification of the author’s Kseniia V. Martyniuk. <...> Conceptual Network as a Dynamic Cognitive Construct of the Author-Reader Interaction idea, conveying the meaning to the reader. <...> The Author-Reader interaction space within a framework of a text has always been a subject to scientific speculations of various branches of linguistics. <...> In decoding stylistics text creation is regarded as a process of coding information (images, emotions, relations etc.) by the author by means of language. <...> Issues of text perception and text interpretation are widely studied from a perspective of psycholinguistics (Zalevskaia, 2005). <...> Discourse theory (Dijk, Kintsch, 1983) introduces “strategies of comprehension” which help to organize a mental (cognitive) model of the object which is being perceived. <...> The founders of the discourse theory distinguish three main kinds of such strategies: proposition, macroproposition and local coherence. <...> Only <...>