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Reader on Sociology (1500,00 руб.)

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Первый авторЛяляев С. В.
АвторыСкрипунова И. А.
ИздательствоМ.: ФЛИНТА
АннотацияВ учебном пособии представлены тексты на английском языке, вопросы и задания к ним из области социологии.
Кому рекомендованоДля студентов-социологов, изучающих английский язык.
Ляляев, С.В. Reader on Sociology = Английский язык для социологов : учеб. пособие / И.А. Скрипунова; С.В. Ляляев .— 5-е изд., стер. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2022 .— 128 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-0980-1 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/244421 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Скрипунова READER ON SOCIOLOGY АнгЛИйСкИй язык дЛя СоцИоЛогоВ Учебное пособие 3-е издание, стереотипное Москва Издательство «ФлИнта» 2016 1 УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2англ-923 л97 Ляляев С. <...> A Female Bodyguard Fights Back . 22 Text 2. <...> The Social Influence of the Potato . 97 Text 2. <...> The Discovery that Prevented Society from Dying Out . 100 X. MODERN SOCIETY . 105 Text 1. <...> Stress Management in Today’s World . 109 GLOSSARY . 114 References . 126 4 Unit I GENDER IDENTITY Pre-reading questions: 1. <...> Gender role is a term used in sociology to describe the set of behavioural norms associated with the individual gendered status (also called a “gender identity”). <...> In many ways gender identity functions as any other social identity and role. <...> She behaves in a typical feminine style, puts on a lot of make up, talks about relationships, and acts according to the traditional gender role of a girl. <...> TASK 3 Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions: хорошо ухоженный великолепная модная одежда заботиться о внешности совершенная ослепительная улыбка привычный аромат интересоваться парнями вести дневник устраивать сцену бижутерия TASK 4 Answer the questions on the text: 1. <...> What and who could influence the formation of her gender identity: — family, — mass media, 8 — friends, — school? 3. <...> Who experiences difficulties when dealing with her: — boys from her peer group, — girls from her peer group, — liberated feminists, — adults? <...> What role does mass media play in receiving elements of gender? <...> What social factors influenced their boyish behaviour? 9 TOMBOY Tomboy is a slang term to describe girls who tend to behave according to the stereotypical gender role of boys: enjoying boys’ rough games, having typical boys’ interests and activities, getting interest in science, wearing non-feminine clothes for comfort and practicality, etc. <...> The others suppose that a spirited tomboyish behaviour is the result of socialization in one-parent families with the father as a parent or raising a girl with only male siblings. <...> All this shows how <...>
УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 л97 л97 Ляляев С.В. Reader on Sociology : английский язык для социологов : учебное пособие / С.В. ляляев, И.а. Скрипунова. — 5-е изд. стер. —Москва : ФлИнта, 2022. — 128 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-0980-1. — Текст : электронный. В учебном пособии представлены тексты на английском языке, вопросы и задания к ним из области социологии. Для студентов-социологов, изучающих английский язык. УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 ISBN 978-5-9765-0980-1 © ляляев С.В., Скрипунова И.а., 2011 © Издательство «ФлИнта», 2011 2
CONTENTS I. GENDER IDENTITY ..................................................................................... 5 Text 1. Girly-girl ........................................................................................... 6 Text 2. Tomboy ............................................................................................. 9 Text 3. Sissy-boy .......................................................................................... 15 II. THE CHANGING ROLE OF WOMEN IN SOCIETY ................................. 21 Text 1. A Female Bodyguard Fights Back .................................................. 22 Text 2. She’s the Boss .................................................................................. 25 III. A CONTEMPORARY FAMILY .................................................................. 31 Text 1. Pre-Nuptial Contracts ..................................................................... 32 Text 2. The Changing Shape of the Family ................................................. 35 IV. UNDERPRIVILEGED STRATA OF SOCIETY ......................................... 40 Text 1. The King Family (Kentucky, USA) .................................................. 41 Text 2. Madonna May Adopt the Second Child from Malawi .................... 46 V. SUPERSTITIONS AND PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOUR ACROSS CULTURES .................................................... 51 Text 1. Common Superstitions ................................................................... 52 Text 2. Business Behaviour ......................................................................... 56 VI. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ...................................................................... 62 Text 1. Prosecutors Give Up Case Against Steven Smith ............................ 63 Text 2. The Lows of Getting High: Alby’s Story ......................................... 68 3
VII. FORMS OF DEPENDENCE ...................................................................... 72 Text 1. The Social Effects of Addictions ................................................... 73 Text 2. Mother’s Advice on Drugs ............................................................ 78 VIII. MEDIA AND SOCIETY ............................................................................. 84 Text 1. Television’s Impact on Society ...................................................... 85 Text 2. Ethics in the Internet ...................................................................... 90 IX. THE THINGS THAT HAVE CHANGED THE LIFE OF SOCIETY ....... 96 Text 1. The Social Influence of the Potato ................................................. 97 Text 2. The Discovery that Prevented Society from Dying Out .............. 100 X. MODERN SOCIETY ................................................................................ 105 Text 1. Social Consequences of Economic Crises ................................... 106 Text 2. Stress Management in Today’s World ........................................ 109 GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................... 114 References .......................................................................................................... 126 4