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ОБЩИЕ ВОПРОСЫ ЛИНГВИСТИКИ И ЛИТЕРАТУРОВЕДЕНИЯ. ФИЛОЛОГИЯ (Филология в целом. Вспомогательные филологические дисциплины. Риторика. Редактирование. Культура речи. Ораторское искусство)

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Literature Abuse, or the Motive of the Guilt and Punishment of the Reader

Автор: Turysheva

The purpose of the present article is the analysis of a literature abusing reader image. The motive of a reader guilty of literature abuse and the nature of its functioning are studied on the basis of some works of modern literature. The author connects the speciёcs of the motive with the reяexive reaction of literature to “anarchical”, consumerist reading wide-spread in modern culture. The narrative forms dedicated to literature abuse are researched. Among them there is a motive of punishing the reader and expiation of the reader’s guilt. The author comes up with the hypothesis that the motive formation is associated with the response to the ideas of modern receptive theory.