Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638907)

В мире искусства. Ч. 2 (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыБабушкин Анатолий Павлович, Картавцев Владимир Николаевич
ИздательствоИздательский дом ВГУ
АннотацияПодготовлено на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных факультетов факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендовано студентам 1-го курса филологического факультета.
В мире искусства. Ч. 2 / А.П. Бабушкин, В.Н. Картавцев .— Воронеж : Издательский дом ВГУ, 2016 .— 26 с. — 26 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/643200 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Unit 8. Beethoven ..................................................................................................4 Unit 9. Artistic and Cultural Life in Britain ...........................................................7 Unit 10. The Art of Acting and the Globe Theatre .................................................9 Unit 11. Ballet Today ........................................................................................... 11 Unit 12. Film Career ............................................................................................13 Unit 13. The British Museum ..............................................................................15 Unit 14. Rock and Pop Music ..............................................................................17 Unit. 15. Holidays and Customs ..........................................................................20 Unit 16. National Sports ......................................................................................22 Задание для самостоятельной работы ..............................................................24 Литература ..........................................................................................................25 3
5. By the end of his life Beethoven was a very prosperous man. 6. Beethoven always composed his music with great ease. 7. Beethoven`s music is marked by the sense of growth and strength. 8. Being a young man Beethoven was a wonderful pianist. VI. Сравните творчество Бетховена и Моцарта, их стиль работы и качество их произведений. 6
Unit 9 ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL LIFE IN BRITAIN Artistic and cultural life in Britain is rather rich. It passed several main stages in its development. The Saxon King Alfred encouraged the arts and culture. The chief debt owed to him by English literature is for his translations of and commentaries on Latin works. Art, culture and literature flowered during the Elizabethan age, during the reign of Elizabeth I; it was the period of English domination of the oceans. It was at this time that William Shakespeare lived. The empire, which was very powerful under Queen Victoria, saw another cultural and artistic heyday as a result of industrialization and the expansion of international trade But German air raids caused much damage in the First World War and then during the Second World War. The madness of the wars briefly interrupted the development of culture. Immigrants who have arrived from all parts of the Commonwealth since 1945 have not only created a mixture of nations, but have also brought their cultures and habits with them.Monuments and traces of past greatness are everywhere. There are buildings of all styles and periods. A great number of museums and galleries display precious and interesting finds from all parts of the world and from all stages in the development of nature, man and art. London is one of the leading world centres for music, drama, opera and dance. Festivals held in towns and cities throughout the country attract much interest. Many British playwrights, composers, sculptors, painters, writers, actors, singers and dancers are known all over the world. The British Council promotes knowledge of British culture and literature overseas. It organizes British participation in international exhibitions and encourages professional interchange in all cultural fields between Britain and other countries. Упражнения к тексту I. Найдите русские соответствия словам интернационального корня и определите, к какой части речи относятся их английские эквиваленты. Artistic, cultural, chief, literature, commentary, period, domination, ocean, empire, result, industrialization, expansion, international, raid, immigrants, mixture, nation, monument, style, museum, gallery, interesting, nature, leading, centre, drama, opera, festival, composer, sculptor, actors. II. Найдите в тексте синонимы к представленным ниже словам: major, interpretation, flourish, epoch, ruling, destruction, statues, valuable, inspirit, control, time, newcomers, blend, marks, mighty, house, quantity, artist, advance, sphere, zenith, board, English, generate, former. 7
III. Эпизодически пользуясь словарем, найдите антонимы к нижеследующим лексемам: poor, minor, regress, decay, weak, above, peace, natives, present, nowhere, dull, loss, narrowing, village, national, ignorance, unknown. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту: 1. Was the Saxon King Alfred fond of arts? 2. Under whose reign was English literature enriched by translations from Latin? 3. In what way was flourishing of culture and literature connected with the ruling of Elizabeth I? 4. In what fields of literature was Shakespeare distinguished? 5. How did industrialization and expansion of international trade influence the development of English culture? 6. When was the development of British culture interrupted? 7. Who brought their habits and culture to the British soil? 8. Is British culture known all over the world? Explain why. V. Истинно или ложно? 1. Latin works never crossed the borders of the British Empire. 2. Industrialization of the country is in no way connected with the flourishing of the English culture. 3. The Second World War did not provide the conditions for development of arts and culture. 4. Modern culture of Great Britain is influenced by the comers from all parts of the Commonwealth. 5. There are buildings of different styles and periods in London. 6. The British capital is one of the leading world cultural centres. 7. Traces of Past Greatness are found everywhere. VI. Привлекая дополнительную информацию, расскажите о Лондоне как о величайшей культурной столице мира. 8
Unit 10 THE ART OF ACTING AND THE GLOBE THEATRE From the fall of the Roman Empire until the 10th century, acting hardly existed as an art in Western Europe; only the wandering minstrels provided entertainments in castles and at fairs. In England, the first real actors were amateurs who performed Miracle and Morality plays which were religious in character. In the Elizabethan Age, the first professional theatres were opened. At the time of Shakespeare there were at least six companies of actors. It was very difficult for most actors to earn a living on the stage, even in a London company, and many of them fell into debt. When Shakespeare arrived in London in 1586, the acting was very crude and conventional. There was almost no scenery, and the actors were dressed in the costumes of their day. The Globe Theatre opened in 1599 with a production of “As You Like It”. In 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, a canon went off to mark the entrance of the king, and a stray spark set the thatch roof aflame. In one hour, the theatre was destroyed. Reconstruction of the Globe began immediately, and it was finished by June 1614. Performances continued until 1642, when the Puritans, who found theatre vulgar and intolerable, shut all theatres down. Two years later the Globe was reopened. Plays were big business for those who owned them: Shakespeare was only one man who became rich from his involvement as a shareholder in the most popular theatre. The plays produced by the Globe were very high in quality and the theatre was always full. The competition among the theatres created a huge demand for new material and is the single most important factor in the flowering of drama that is now known as the ‘golden age’ of English drama. The groundlings paid a penny to stand in the pit of the Globe Theatre. The others sat in the galleries. The very grand could watch the play from a chair set on the side of the stage itself. Theatre performances were held in the afternoon, because they needed the daylight. The theatre could often present eleven performances of ten different plays in two weeks. Women were not allowed to appear on the stage so the female roles were played by men and boys. Упражнения к тексту I. Найдите русские соответствия словам интернационального корня и определите, к какой части речи относятся их английские эквиваленты. Roman Empire, acting, Western, Europe, real, morality, religious, character, professional, theatre, company, conventional, scenery, costume, Globe, production, Puritans, vulgar, business, popular, material, drama, gallery, role. II. Найдите в тексте синонимы к представленным ниже словам: market, gun, epoch, rebuilding, performance, performers, troupe, raw, background, 9
stockholder, garments, nearby, fire (глагол), prosperous, great, poor, fortnight, claim, participation, noble. III. Эпизодически пользуясь словарем, найдите антонимы к нижеследующим лексемам: rise, professional, easy, unconventional, build up, tolerable, seldom, unpopular, quantity, old, unreal, rich, alter, (the) same, exit, close, earlier, male. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту: 1. Who were prototypes of modern actors? 2. What kind of plays did minstrels perform? 3. When were the first professional theatres opened? And the Globe Theatre? 4. What happened to the Globe Theatre in 1613? 5. What kind of plays did the Globe Theatre produce? 6. Was the theatre popular among Londoners? 7. Could performances be held in evening time? Why not? 8. Who played female parts at the Globe Theatre. V. Истинно или ложно? 1. Until the 10th century in Western Europe theatre was especially successive. 2. The first professional theatres were opened only in Elizabethan age. 3. Most of the London actors were very rich. 4. Before Shakespeare theatre acting was crude and conventional. 5. Why did Puritans close all the theatres? 6. The very grand spectators could watch the plays sitting in the galleries. 7. Theatre performances were held in the afternoon. 8. Women were allowed to play the boys` parts. VI. Назовите несколько трагедий и комедий Шекспира по-английски. 10

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